Aj Lee x Reader

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* Aj's POV *

When I said I would return to WWE I told them it would be on one condition that the first women I wrestled would be the love of my life Y/N Y/L/N. 

Me and Y/N were in relationship through all of our years in WWE but when I left we broke up after a fight. Since then I have not been as happy as I was when I was with her when I left she stayed which is the reason we broke up. So I recently gave in and signed back with the WWE nobody but Stephanie Hunter and Vince know yes there were rumors of me coming back but those have been around ever since I left and tonight I plan to end the rumors and finally see Y/N again.

* Y/N's POV *

I hear my theme come on and I walk out I take the microphone " For 309 days no women on this roster has been able to beat me for my Smackdown women's championship no one " I say and smirk at the booing crowd " So I am inviting any women from anywhere whether it be Smackdown live , RAW and even NXT to come out and face me for my title ". I wait for a couple seconds before I hear her theme and I see her come skipping towards the ring the crowd and me look like we've seen a ghost the crowd going crazy cheering and I can't tell whether I'm angry or happy yeah probably angry. Aj takes the mic and says " Hello Y/N/N " she says with a smile I look and the ground and smirk " I'm sorry Aj I don't think I invited you out here " I say and look at her with a pissed off look " I mean you said any women from anywhere so I thought that included me " she says smiling innocently at me " I said NXT , RAW and Smackdown not retirement" I respond and the crowd goes wild.

She looks hurt at my words but I can tell its just her trying to fool me " I'm sorry Y/N/N I didn't mean to make you upset " she says with a hurt tone " Well you did " I say still staring her down like a hawk " Look Y/N/N I didn-" she tries to say before I punch her in the face and hit my signature on her. I get up and hold my title up and roll out of the ring and exit the arena I head to my locker room to get changed into some normal clothes I finish up and hear a knock on the door " Who is it?" I shout " Its Aj " I hear a voice say " Go away " I say but she opens the door anyway "Ughhhhhhhhhhh " I say and glare at her and I lay down on the couch. " What do you want" I say " To talk " she says with a sorry look " Well I don't so goodbye " I say and I walk out.   

I enter my hotel room and toss my bags on the side of the bed and fall on the bed and try to go to bed before I hear my phone go off. I check to see who it is and see the name Aj pop up I groan and try to go back to bed but my phone keeps going off I get up and read the texts.

Aj: Hey Y/N 

Aj: Look I know your mad but please listen to me

Aj: Y/N just hear me out 

Y/N: What do you want Aj

Aj: I have a deal

Y/N: Ugh what is it 

Aj: How about this if you beat me at Summerslam I leave WWE and you alone 

Y/N: I'm listening

Aj: But if I beat you, you have to talk to me again

Y/N: Fine deal

Aj: Okay then deal see you at Summerslam

I smirk put my phone away and go to sleep

* Time skip to Summerslam *

Aj gets up and puts me in the black widow after about 2 minutes I have no other choice then to tap.

* Bell rings *

And your new Smackdown women's champion Aj Lee!

I hear the anouncer say and I roll out of the ring and I see Aj hold the title in victory Aj rolls out and looks at me and gives me a hug but I push her off and exit the arena. I get out of my gear and head to my car but before I get in I hear a voice call my name and know who it is right away " Y/N!" " What do you want Aj" I say but don't turn around " You know you have to talk to me now right?" she says " I know but not right now Aj" I say " Y/N please tell me why you don't want to talk to me" she says " BECAUSE YOU LEFT ME OKAY?! you left me alone without even giving me a heads up " I shout and try to not cry. I turn around to look at her and she looks really guilty " I'm sorry Y/N " she says looking down " Well saying sorry isn't gonna fix it now is it" I say and shed a couple tears.

" No but this might " she says and walks up to me and kisses me I go to push her off me but I give in and kiss her back. The kiss lasts about a minute before we both pull away to catch out breath "I'm sorry Y/N " she says and looks at me " Its fine just don't do it again " I say and look at her " I promise " she says and I smile and kiss her again.

Sorry this chapter is so late -~-

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