Liv Morgan x Reader

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* Y/N's POV *

I was on my way to work when I ran into my friend YF/N " Hey Y/N!" she runs up to me and practily yells " Hey Y/F/N  must you yell ?" I say while laughing Y/F/N is very loud but she's the bestest friend I could ever ask for. " Yes yes I must " she says playfully I roll my eyes playfully and say " Lets get to work " " Eye eye captian" she says while saluting " Dork" I say while laughing. 

I handed a customer their coffee when a beautiful women with white hair comes up to the counter " Hello how may I help you?" I ask the gorgeous women " Yes hello I would like a iced coffee please" she asked " Yes I shall get that for you right away anything else?" I respond " No thats it thank you" she says and walks away with a wink my cheeks turn a ruby red from this I mentally slap myself for sounding like an idiot. I walk over to her table and hand her her  coffee " Sorry I forgot to tell you how much it was " I said " Its no problem" she responds " That will be 5.00" she hands me the money and winks at me. I head over to the counter and go to put the money in the cash register when a piece of paper falls out I go to pick it up and put it on the counter put the money away and read it:

" Call me sometime ;)  Liv~

( Insert Liv's phone number )

I blush at the piece of paper like an idiot I then see Y/F/N and put the paper away quickly knowing she would not shut up about it if she found out. "Well both our shifts are over we should head out" she says " Yeah " I respond I get my bag and head to my car.

* Time skip *

I toss my bag on the floor and flop on my bed I take out my phone and remember I have Liv's number and decide to text her 

Y/N: Hey 

Liv: Hey gorgeous I thought you would never respond ;)

Y/N: Oh haha now why'd you give me your number?

Liv: Cause I see a pretty girl I wanna know her ;) lol all jokes aside you seemed nice so I wanted to get to know you

Y/N: Aw well don't I feel special

Liv: You should -3-

Liv: Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to come to my show this week on Monday 

Y/N: What kinda show?

Liv: Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I'm a wrestler  

Y/N: Oh nice I would love to what time is it?

Liv: It starts at 7 so you might wanna get there around 6:30 its at ( Insert place ) on Monday

Y/N: Noted see you Monday ;)

Liv: See you ;)

I shut off my phone and go to bed.

* Time skip *

I enter the building and look around I enter the arena and sit at my seat thanks to Liv I was able to get a good seat. I sit down and wait Liv said her match was after about 3 matches so I sat around not knowing what to do I knew a bit about wrestling since my Dad loved  it but it was never my thing finally I hear Liv's theme song come on.

* Liv's POV *

I hear my music come on and I enter I see Y/N in the crowd at wink at her and walk towards the ring and enter my theme ends and Zelina's comes on. She does her entrance and her theme ends the bell rings and me and Zelina lock up the lock ends with me pushing her against the ropes I hit her with a dropkick and she falls on her back I hit her with an elbow drop and go for the pin she kicks out at 1. I pull her up and irishwip her into the corner and run at her.  I then look over at Y/N in the crowd and smirk at her I then hit Zelina in the stomach and hit the 201 facebreaker She falls to the matt and I go for the pin 1 2 3 and my theme hits and the ref raises my hand in victory I look over to Y/N and wink I roll out of the ring and exit the arena and head to my locker room to get changed. 

* Time skip *

I head out of the building to go see  Y/N I look around and see her Y/H/C hair and walk up to behind her and put my hands over her eyes and say " Guess who" while smiling " Hmmmmmmmmm idk " she says while giggling I uncover her eyes and jump infront of her and smile " Its me" I say while giggling " Hmmm would have never guessed " she responds playfully " Well wanna go grab something to eat?" I ask " Sure where to?" she responds " You'll see" I say with a smirk 

* Another time skip * 

* Y/N's POV *

We walk around until we stop at my door " Well I guess this is it" I say " Guess so" Liv replies " Well I guess I will talk to you tomorrow?" I say " Yeah talk to you tomorrow" she says and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek " Cya Y/N/N " Liv says and walks away " Cya" I say bak and walk into my apartment to find Y/F/N on my bed " Where have ya beeeeeeeeeeeen" she says " How did you get in?" I ask " You gave me a key last week remember?" she says " Oh yeah " I say while putting my bag down " Soooooooooooo you gonna tell me what happended?" she asks with a mischevious smirk " Fine I might as well since you'll figure it out sooner or later" I sit down and tell her about it.

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