Sasha Banks x Reader

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* Sasha's POV *

I was walking around looking for Bayley when suddenly I was bumped into and fell on the floor I groan and look to the person in front of me. Its Y/N I roll my eyes and get up " Watch were your going next time " I say and walk away I hear her scoff from behind. I knock on the door of Bayley's locker room I hear a voice say "Come in" I open the door and storm into the room and sit on a chair. " Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning " she says sarcasticly I roll my eyes and say " Y/N didn't pay attention to where she was going on bumped into me causing me to fall over " I say with a annoyed tone. Bayley sighs and says " You to need to get along " I scowl and try to chat with Bayley for a while until my match.

I finish changing into my gear and head to the arena I hear my theme come on and I head out to the ring I shout at the fans who are booing me and role my eyes my theme ends and Y/N's comes on. She enters the arena and the fans cheer for her I once again role my eyes and send her a nasty look her theme ends and the bell rings. I quickly run towards her and hit her with a clothesline she hits the mat and I taunt at the crowd.

Y/N rolls me up and I reverse the pin and pin her using the ropes and the ref doesn't see I get the pin and my theme hits I roll out of the ring and smirk at Y/N. She stares daggers at me and I exit the arena.

I changed into my normal clothes and head out of my locker room and head to the cafeteria I spot Bayley and head to her table and I go sit next to her. She smiles at me and we eat our food and talk until we are interupted by a very angry Y/N Bayley looks at Y/N then me and says " I'll leave you two be " and walks off to talk to Charlotte. I turn to Y/N and send her a innocent smile she glares at me and says " What was that for?" " What was what for " I ask pretending not to know what she's talking about " YOU CHEATED " she yells angrily. I pretend to act shocked " I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about " I say innocently she scowls at me and says " I know you do you'll see " and walks off.   

I go to walk out and and open the door until I'm splashed with green slime I stand there in shock and look up at the door and see a bucket I let out of a shreek of frustration. I know this was Y/N so I storm off to the showers to clean up and go find Y/N.

I finally give up on trying to find Y/N and slide against the wall and on to the floor I close my eyes until I hear a voice say " OoO you don't look happy" I look up and see Y/N I scowl at her and say " I'm not " " Yay " she responds ( If you get this reference I love you lmao ). I roll my eyes at her and get up and say " I know you pranked me with the slime " I say very annoyed " Maybe " she replies. She sends me a smirk and says " Well now were even " and walks away I groan in response and walk towards the parking lot.   

To be Continued~


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