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the neighbourhood - baby came home 2 / valentines

*knife play warning for later in the chapter <3

      The words were jumbled together and I'm not even sure if these were letters. Gluttony had given me one of his books to read but I don't think he knew it was Latin or that I had zero idea what any of it even said. The farthest I had gotten was the letter "a" and even that was pushing it. 

      Growing frustrated I let the book fall onto the floor out of my arms which only causes him to divert his attention to the pity party I was currently having with myself.

      "Rue." He sets his own book down onto the table with a smile on his face. "There's a modern English translation at the end."

      My eyes go wide and I reluctantly pick it back up only to flip to the back to find out he was right. This whole time I've been staring at the first page confused when there was an English translation. Narrowing my eyes at Gluttony I toss the book back over to him.

      "I refuse to read it now." He lets out a loud laugh that echos around his huge house as a scream comes out of me instead. 

      A snake. There was a fucking snake on the ground that was coming straight towards where I was. It's eyes were in slits and a dark burgundy red whereas it's scales were this shade of creamy white that when it turned glistened in an imaginary sunlight.

      My legs immediately went up onto the couch as Gluttony just laughed even louder at me. Glaring at him I smack his arm while pointing at it with my other hand.

      "Do something!"  He stops laughing out of nowhere and grows serious the more he looked at the snake whereas fear was taking over my body as it started to slither up the leg of the couch.

      "Rue.." He stands up from the couch and turns his attention to the open doors that showcased off the beautiful ocean just outside his house. When I turned back to look as well he grabbed onto my shoulders tightly and forced me to look at his stomach from where I sat. Furrowing my eyebrows I do as so, glare at the crinkles of the white t-shirt that adorned his skin. His demon skin.

       A shudder runs down my spine as I feel the cushion behind me dent a little as the snake finally touches the cloth on my back. When I close my eyes I'm immediately sucked into a reality I once lived before in.

August 25, 2016

      When your eyes sparkle it's usually for a good reason. Joy, happiness, glee, or from a surprise. Not for crying on the first day of Junior year but here I was, doing exactly that. I knew exactly what I did and the consequences for it and here it was. The karma, the punishment, the embarrassment of it all.

      It was all a nightmare, it had to be but no I knew better than that. This was reality and I had to deal with everything life threw at me and this was one of those moments.

      "Juniper.." She looked at me with absolutely no remorse in her eyes, why should she? I was a slut. "Please. It was one time."

      "One too many." She whispered in such a spiteful tone that I'm sure even the dead twisted in their graves. Then she was gone, out of my life. And I just stood there dumbly in front of the parking lot that was now being filled with other juniors and seniors. But yet despite the masses of people I still felt alone.

      Loneliness was probably the deadliest thing in the world especially for a teenage girl in high school. You never want to be alone or feel alone in this time of your life but I was.  And it was all my fault.

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