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you - the pretty reckless

      Fuck, fuck, fuck. All I could see was blackness due to the bag being held over my head. It was Gluttony's idea so I wouldn't be seen by any of the guards, if anything I looked like any other prisoner to them. This was it, it was really happening.

      "Okay." Gluttony sighs before lifting the cloth over my head allowing the night sky to come into view in my vision. How I missed the night sky and the stars dearly. "Rue, I know we had a rocky start but I truly will miss you."

      His large arms wrap around my feeble body as I do the same and hug him back tightly. This was my last time with the closest friend I've ever had, he was a demon, but still my closest friend.

      "I'll think of you every moment I'm up there, I swear." I give him a small grin before giving him one last hug. A rustle hears throughout the air as I gulp down some air, fear was running through my body.

      "Just go through the hedge until you reach the middle, that should be far enough." He gives me one last smile before pushing me forward to the entrance of the green shrubs. I take one step in and glance back to find him already gone. Goodbye, Gluttony.

      My feet were still barefoot so every step I took in the dirt led to them being dirtier than they were before. It felt rough against my skin and every now and then a stray twig would stab into my skin leaving stray blood behind on the ground. Only made it easier for Pete to find me.

      The stars twinkled down onto my skin almost in dreams that I had about this, they believed in me. Smiling up at the sky I take the turns until I finally meet the middle. A fountain laid in the middle of the opening where no water dispersed throughout it, only emptiness. Four benches laid on each side, but one of them was occupied by a ghostly figure. The same ghostly figure from the mirror that seemed to have haunted me through whispers as well.

      "Took you long enough," It whispers through the air, it's voice welcoming my ears. "I thought you'd never find me."

      Their eyes open but this time instead of the pitch black they were white, a hypnotizing white. The longer I stared the more I wanted to be swallowed by it. Snapping out of my gaze I turn my attention towards the ground not knowing what to say back to it.

      "Let's get this over with, I'm tired." The ghost makes it way towards me, it's hands making connection with my shoulders causing my entire body to go stark cold. My eyes slowly move up from the white cloth covering their body up to their face that I could now visibly see. Their cheeks were hollowed in deeply and dark eye bags hung underneath their empty eye sockets. They really were a ghost.

      "Azrael." A voice interrupts us diverting both of our attention to it. Pete. He stood not that far away from us already standing right behind me. He got here quick. "Let her go."

      The two stare each other down as if they knew each other and went all the way back

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      The two stare each other down as if they knew each other and went all the way back. They spoke between each other with their eyes leaving me out of the conversation as "Azrael's" hands gripped harder onto my shoulders. Instead of coldness, pain radiated throughout my veins causing me to stumble back into Pete.

      His hands wrap around my waist pulling me immediately into his chest. He glared down Azrael as my eyes looked around everywhere except for the two. As I look back at the house I look into one of the windows seeing two figures looking down at the scene.

      Gluttony and Lust.

      Lust was still bloody and in pain only causing my stomach to grow sick but it also reminded of why I was here. To stop this. I give them a small smile as my mind races with anxiety.

      I twist around in Pete's arms so we were facing each other. He looks down at me in confusion before realization flashes through his pupils.

      "Rue, no." Too late. I place my hand on his cheek before I nod at him, it was now or never. "Please."

      "Shut up." I whisper quietly to him before I stand on the tip of my toes and pull him closer to me. Our eyes connect for a brief second before I shut mine and lean forwards making our lips connect. It was soft and delicate, the opposite of how we usually are.

      He pulls away quickly making me stumble into the arms of ghost who looked stricken. Their hands began to shake as they held me as Pete just stared at me in shock. His fingers went up to his lips touching them before he as well fell down to the ground.

       My body grew intensely cold as if my veins had been frozen and all my organs had given up. My fingers clutched digging into the skin of my palm as my body grew weak all in the matter of seconds. All I could do was stare at the Devil in front of me as I laid in the arms of the Angel of Death. The irony of this all.

      I give him a weak smile as he runs over holding my cheek with his hand. He was saying something to me but by now I couldn't hear anything as my vision goes into complete darkness. Through the darkness I begin to see white dots, white dots that begin to swirl until they turn into tiny snowflakes.

       Tiny snowflakes that alert me to look down from the sky that had turned into a dusk setting with snow falling from it. Blinking I look down at my hands realizing I wasn't one in the sky, I was back. Turning my hands around I can feel the tears blinking through my eyes.

 Turning my hands around I can feel the tears blinking through my eyes

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      It was pure bliss.

      A/N:  just got my medusa pierced omg omg

Sympathy For The Devil - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now