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nirvana - heart-shaped box

       The crowd was absolutely insane, I've never seen so many souls in one place. Of course, I knew there was a shit ton of dead people but I've never physically seen most in one place. I was never told what exactly this party was for but it must've been important for almost the entire of Hell to come together. I wonder if there were any famous people here?

      Twisting my head I search the crowd in hopes of a little peak of at least Kurt Cobain. Johnny would absolutely die if I met Kurt Cobain and he knew about it. But he wouldn't. Because I'm dead and there's no way of him finding out about it. Rorron glances over in confusion as I continue to scan the crowd for the famous musician who supposedly sold his soul. 

      "What are you doing Rue?" Rorron continues to push her way through the crowd so we could meet up with her secret-not-so-secret lover. 

      My face goes red as I realize how dumb I looked, "Looking for at least one celebrity.. I mean come on, all these people, one of them has to be famous!" Rorron turns around in bewilderment before rolling her eyes and grabbing my hand so we could get their quicker. We reach the man filled with sin in no matter of time.

      Gluttony was there as well chatting with Greed who apparently hasn't forgotten about his messed up dressing room. The two glance at us, one with disgust and the other with the biggest smirk on his face I've ever seen.

       "Well if it isn't Rue, the most sinful girl in Hell." Gluttony announces causing a few souls to glance over towards our mini group. Rolling my eyes I shove his shoulder with my free hand that wasn't holding a questionable drink.

       Bringing the pink glittery liquid up to my lips I couldn't help but let a smirk happen as Gluttony bursts out in laughter.

       "Shush! Greed, are you just going around telling people?" My eyes widen as I turn the attention onto him but rather find Rorron and him being sinful themselves.

       "Shush! Greed, are you just going around telling people?" My eyes widen as I turn the attention onto him but rather find Rorron and him being sinful themselves

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       "Gross." Pete appears out of nowhere shoving himself in-between Gluttony and I. We both glance at each other before Pete's arm wraps around my shoulder pulling me closer to his body. 

      Putting my attention back onto the objective before I continue to look around the crowd in hopes for at least Charles Manson but again, no hope. They were all strangers or unfamiliar faces I won't ever remember again after this. Growing annoyed by the whole thing I clear my head of it and turn back to the group that was conversing about the night before us.

      "Did you guys see what Lust was wearing?" They were like a gossiping group of teenagers but I couldn't help myself but to wonder what he was wearing. It had to be interesting if it was enough for Gluttony to bring up.

       Pete lets out a laugh while nodding his head, what was he wearing? Furrowing my brows I shake my head and elaborate my hands for him to continue.

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