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doomed - bring me the horizon

      The walls were talking to me.

      I wasn't sure exactly what they were saying to me but they were whispering to me. Whispering a strange tongue to my ears that were driving me crazy. I had zero idea of how long I've been in here and if I was even known of anymore. If anything, everyone could've forgotten about me.

     It surely felt like it.

      My mind was eating itself alive with all the whispers and the fact that I couldn't even see myself. The room held zero mirrors and zero windows, I had no way of seeing my reflection to even tell if I was who I was supposed to be. For all I know, I could have a new face.

      The air held sparkles sometimes, or was it dust? It sparkled around me and led me towards the door but it was locked. This whole time it has been, tucked away back in a hallway no one ever rarely walked through. I've only heard one pair of footsteps every so often stop by, but then they end up leaving. Leaving me all by myself.

      Est primum tempus tuam

      Is what the walls whispered to me. Over and over, non-stop. It was as if a ghost haunted these walls and didn't dare to leave me by myself. The moment I was left by myself is when it started and hasn't stopped once.

      Everything in this room was useless and couldn't be used but yet still it laid there taunting at me. Everything in here was show. A show for the mind to trick it into thinking everything was fine but it's not fine. None of this was okay.

      If I closed my eyes everything disappeared including the unwanted feeling; it was replaced by emptiness. But the voices continued. They never stopped. I wish they would though, like the feeling does sometimes. But this is Hell, it's supposed to be torture.

      Resting my head against the stone wall the coolness connects with my skin, I probably looked like a mess. Letting my eyes flutter shut everything disappears as a smile grows onto my face, it felt nice.

      Est primum tempus tuam

      But the voice. It was a whisper that sent shivers down my spine from how soft-spoken it was. It was a feminine voice mixed in with a taunting tone.

      Opening my eyes I stare at the untouched bed in the other corner that just sat there. My hair has grown, I've known of that, it was all the way to my mid-back. That's how long I've been here. Forgotten of. Thrown away like a piece of trash. Everyone's moved on but I'm still locked in here forgotten about.

      That was another thing the voice would whisper from time-to-time.

      "Everyone forgot about you."

      And I mean it was true. Everyone did. I'm nothing but a mere memory in the back of their minds.

      I wonder where Rue went? To the stars. Rue? Gone. And then I'm completely forgotten about as Rorron gets a new soul and all the Sins find someone else to marvel over.

      Gluttony was probably my best friend. He always listened to my nonsense and helped motivate me to dance again. He was like a brother. Which was weird, but true. And just like everyone else, I'm a memory in the back of his mind.

      And Pete. Oh God, Pete. I was nothing but a body for him to use and once he was done, I was thrown away. The irony of it all, thrown away into a room in his house. I'm his lost toy that he'll never find again.

      Looking up at the ceiling I feel a wetness on my face. Strange. I've never been able to cry before, maybe this was finally my second death. How sickening would that be. A second death, as if the first one hasn't dealt enough for me.

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