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badflower - girlfriend

    "What the fuck? What do you mean I'm in Hell?" My eyebrows furrow as I try my hardest to remember the events that took place before I woke up, but I couldn't at all. Rorron's face turns into a scowl the minute the words leave my mouth. "I didn't die, how could I be in Hell."

      "Well, doll, you are in fact dead. And in Hell." Her walking speed increases as we stroll down the street. I could barely keep up with her with how weak my body was at the moment. "The Hell you're in is 100% different from the silly tales you've been told up there." 

      Snow continued to cascade from the night sky onto the streets that had a line of miserable looking people, was I supposed to be like one of them? A protective figure stood next to each of them like a guardian watching over them.

   "It's split up in seven sections down here," She continued to speak as she walked ahead of me, "Each city representing a sin. Sin cities you might call them."

     Rorron turns around throwing me a wink along the way. "There's Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Wrath, and Sloth. And you doll, are about to figure out where you fit in." 

     We fall into line behind a person who genuinely looked dead, their face was so sunken in it was nearly skeletal. The street alone was daunting to look at and be on but with this feeling being next to these creatures just made me feel uncomfortable.

      No one was speaking at all; it was dead silent.  Adding more onto the haunting feeling that you got down here. 

      "Rorron, how much longer do we have to stand in this line?" My feet were already growing tired from standing a short time.

      One of the guardian people in line turn back glaring as my words drifted through the air. "Shush. Not that longer if it's a good day." 

     All I seem to do is nod my head as the line slowly starts to move forward. God, this was going to take forever. Another scream erupts in the air, this time way farther up in the line causing a few people, including myself, to jump from the sudden noise.

      A few more duos fall into place behind us. Each one of them had a different vibe to them, one that made you uncomfortable the closer they got. I'm not sure at all, how I ended up in a place like this. My mind tries to come up with some scenario that may have led me here, but none came up. My head was empty.


     "We're next, Rue." Rorron whispers close to my ear but all I can do is nod through a blurred vision. We've been in this line for so long it's felt like I gained ten years onto my dead life. 

      We step inside of the dark brick castle together, castle was one word for it. It was more of a mansion that seemed to be never-ending. Like you could get lost inside of the walls and no one would be able to find you for days.

      As we walk through the halls, most of the paintings were covered up with torn white sheets that hung loosely but still securely. A few bodies stood off to the sidelines dressed up in black turtlenecks paired with matching black jeans. Silver chains hung off of them along with various weapons that looked more tortuous than anything. They had these pained looks on their faces, if you stared long enough soon enough you'd feel the pain yourself.

      Finally we reach a set of dark oak doors that are opened up by two of the bodies. A candle chandelier hung from the ceiling; it being the only light source in this darkened room. The room was fairly empty except for the gigantic throne-like chair that rested in the middle of the floor. A figure sat in it, the candles forecasting shadows onto his skin that made it hard to see him at first. But the closer you got the more you could see his incredible beauty.

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