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sympathy for the devil - the rolling stones

      "We're going to be late."

      "No we're not, trust me." One hand rested on the steering wheel, the other on my thigh. Ring cladded fingers that belonged to the man who absolutely stole my heart from day one.

      The road was deserted except for the one car trailing close behind ours, it was the band's. My nerves were exceeding me, I only wanted the best for him. The studio wasn't that far away from our apartment only a few blocks away but of course we were running late.

      "Johnny, you drive like a fucking grandma." He rolls his eyes at me as he only goes two miles over the speed limit. We were so close, it was exciting to see his dreams come true. I run my fingers through my hair as the breeze rolls in from the open window slapping me across the face.

      The beachside view of California was absolutely beautiful, the ocean. Something deep inside of me yearned to be here and here I was. Beachside.

      I feel the car come to a stop as I look back to see the other band members park right behind us. They were all nervous, who wouldn't be; this was insanely a once in a lifetime chance. We all get out at once and stare up at the tall building that towered over the others. This was it.

      "Well Johnny, no need of selling our souls for this." A chill runs down my spine at Jackie's words and all I can seem to do is grin at her from my spot next to Johnny. And for a split second in the reflection of the glass building I could see Him, but I knew it was my eyes playing tricks, just like every other time it happened.


      Still to this day, I can feel him

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      Still to this day, I can feel him.

       I'd like to believe me he saved me from his madness and my own and that one day we'll see each other again. Even If I had to sell my soul to the Devil.

      He's inside of my mind and soul, every trace of him and I are connected in some way or the other.

      When I'm sleeping he's there, when I'm swimming in the ocean it's his reflection that shows not mine, and even in my day-to-day thoughts and actions I see myself so much in him. 

      If it were true, I still believe he was here with me.

      But in the end, I truly madly deeply did in fact have Sympathy for the Devil.

      But in the end, I truly madly deeply did in fact have Sympathy for the Devil

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Sympathy For The Devil - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now