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frank iero - losing my religion 

      We were parked outside of a house, a gigantic one at that. The beach wasn't that far away only a couple of miles but still so far you weren't able to hear the waves crashing. The once calming noise now replaced by silence as we sat here, not one of us talking as we stared at the not so empty house. A figure kept passing by in the bay windows every now and then looking out of them.

      I'm not entirely sure who's house it was or why we were even here but yet we were. For whatever reason it was didn't stand the fact neither of us were moving. There was no reasoning behind it, we just weren't.

     At once the huge double doors open revealing a frightened man staring down the car. I'm not sure if it was just his face or if he was actually scared but it was almost worrying. Without a word Pete opens his door and steps out of it with the following of the slam of his door.

      He easily towers over the feeble man, understandingly though, that man was a fucking giant. The two converse for a minute or so before Pete turns towards the car waving me over to them. I swiftly exit the car walking up to the pair, not knowing how I was involved with this at all.

      "This is Gluttony."


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      "Hi. I'm Rue." I stick my hand out for him to shake with a smile on my face but all he does is stare down at it with a look in his eyes. Putting my hand right back at my side almost immediately I glance between the two demons. Damn, they were both so undeniably attractive.

      Pete coughs a little before nodding his head towards the building, "Right, should we head inside?" The man, Gluttony, was already walking closer to the house before Pete could finish his sentence.

      The house was grand to say the least. It had to have at least eight bedrooms or even more, it was hard to tell. When we first step into the foyer an instant smell of fog mixed with what seems to be a musky wood addition slaps us across the face. It was a strange scent but not one of the worst ones. 

      The interior of this house was most definitely one of a beach house mixed with old Spanish. White stucco lined all of the walls whereas the floors were all a decaying red terracotta. In the back of the foyer was the opening kitchen that also led out to the backyard where wind chimes made out of animal bones were hung up creating small musical notes in the smallest breeze.

      As we entered into the kitchen, Gluttony rounds one of counters resting his head onto the palm of his hands staring down the both of Pete and I.

      "What do you need?" Are the first words he speaks since I've met him a mere seconds ago. 

      "Your trust along with your precious time." Pete speaks so clearly, "I'm going to be gone for a bit. I need you to control the House for the meantime."

Sympathy For The Devil - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now