Sohams everyday Diary! April14

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14  April 2021 Thursday

733-748(writing time)

Dear Future Soham,

Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Wassup? Wbk to my  personal diary which I will write everyday! Today was a I said yesterday. The plan was to finish maths reading. wwait wait no. I was gonna start with how I was up till 3. Soooo, we were watching IPL till 11...IPL Spells Indian Premier League, its a cricket league and then we were gonna sleep and I couldn't and so I spent the night reading my Maths TB bcoz i was lagging and watched lots of youtube shorts...jeez yt shorts> ig reelss. Continuing...i was gonna do maths today but finished it at 3, so that was peaceful...had a bit left so when I woke up at 10 (WHICH IS VERY LATE) I couldn't focus and finished it by 2 (chill, I didn't study till 2🤭🤭) Then...we (mom, bro and me) watched The Tuxedo. Fantastic movie, love it every time I watch it was Godzilla. Godzillla was on my Brothers Bucket list. WHAT A MOVIE. OH MY GOD. JDHKASAS. HOLY SHIT. THAT WAS ONE HELL OF A MOVIE, the characters, the plot, the story. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Fantastic. We cooked like packs of Family Popcorn😁😀😁 and during Godzilla i made a Subway Sandwitch..I had the idea a couple days ago and here's how i did it..order from bottom of the sandwich to the top. Bread, Paneer, Spices, Oninon, Tomato, Lettuce, Chipotle Sauce, Mint Sauce, Melted Cheese, Bread. wasn't the greatest sandwich ever, proll give it a 5 on 10😩😩. Made a few rotis for everyone and cleaned up the house a lil bit. Writing this diary entry rn and while i am thinking what to write next i look up at my board for remaining stuff and HOLY SHIT i didn't write the maths in the NB. Ok imma do that now. Almost forgot the picture..ok done now Gn and see ya<3

PS: how dare you say ur literally wearing the same thing as yesterday...ofc i didn't take a bath....jeez if u take at everyday....get a brain son


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