10 July 2022 Saturday and Sunday
Dear future Soham,
This is the weekend before my exam week. I have a coaching exam on Sunday to kick things off and then every day of the week I have school exams. Back to back. But today on Saturday came dad's best friend from his college. He, his wife and his daughter are settled in the US and came back to India for a month-long vacay and are visiting all of India. They came to the city I live in too and will stay with us for the night. Today is Sunday and yesterday on Saturday, I had drama class...I came back from there and they were at home. First I met uncle-aunty then I met Sarah. Sarah is in the 8th grade going to 9th I believe and man this girl! Sarah was just this super energetic, having fun, falling into the loop of "what people will think", a daring, sweet and lovely girl. I came to know this because the three of us, My brother, her and I went down to play some football which then turned to a monkey in the middle which then turned to cycling. We came home from cycling and decided to go to Dominoes for lunch. We ate there got some garlic bread packed for home, got some samosas and some medication also. Then we came back. I tried to make her watch a film but she kept using Tik-Tok and yes Tik-Tok was somehow working for her and I was screaming because it's banned in India and all the Youtube Shorts we watch or the Instagram Reels, they're basically from Tik-Tok creators. So I was screaming and so was she because she couldn't load it in other cities. Finally, we all went to a nearby restaurant which is The place to socialise and some of their batch mates were there too. We both kept taking pictures we kids went to ask the DJ to play a song and he said no, people were dancing and I asked Sarah if she wanted to dance with them and I kept insisting but she said no. We went back upstairs and tried ordering cocktails, the guy even caught us and understood that we were trying to do some messed-up stuff. I was so tired and we finally went back home. I then dozed off and they did too I suppose. Today morning I woke up and thought they were gone but uncle aunty was chatting with my mom and dad. I think Sarah was sleeping. Then they were all ready. they took a picture of the three of us kids and off they all went. My dad went to drop them at the airport. They'll be going to Delhi after which back to the US.
Some people...they're so energetic, they don't care what others think, they want to have fun. They don't care about touching, they don't care about using someone's sweater to clean a dirty table, you take them to a cosmetics store to get some gift for themselves but they don't know what to get and some who just open your eyes. Who makes you feel that you need to live more, do daring things and take a spin in life. That's the girl Sarah was. There might've only ever been such a friend that I have ever made and Sarah is one of them. Sarah has made me realise that the girl I have a crush on is back in school...I need to be freer with her. Have fun and good moments with her. Yesterday morning I was about to cry because I am tensed about my exams, but today after not studying a word yesterday I am happy, feeling full and joyous. It was made fun. Thank You, Sarah. Love you bro.
Thank you for reading,
Yours truly,
Sohams personal Diary
Short StoryHeyy! I though why not write every day of my life to remember for the future! Just making memories along the way!