Soham's weekly diary! 14June'22

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14 June 2022, Tuesday


Dear future Soham,

I went on my first date, today on the 14th of June of 2000 and 22 at 10:00 am I went on my first ever date. With the girl, I've had something for as long as I can remember and it was brilliant. Let's get into it. Last Friday I dashed into her and in the hustle of things I said a quick Hi, she was quick to respond and said a Hi back...then she told me to wait. So I stood and she brought out a book. She had done some poetry and from what I interpreted she said she likes me; She mentioned that we used to talk before this and now we don't, that she misses it and we should get back at it. So I said let's hit the canteen on Monday during the short break. Yesterday I was supposed to go with her but for some reason I ignored her. I found some other people and we were doing some stuff I could see her behind us but I chose to not look at her. I did almost the same thing during the lunch break, and during hometime, I saw her and said a fast Hi and so did she. That was it. Today I dressed really pretty. I dress pretty every day but today it was formal pretty. I had a collared shirt and I put on this vintage sweater of my dad's and I looked really good. So many people said to me I looked really good. Ayushi who I've been asking what to do and met on the first day of school and who is in my class told me that in the short break I go to her class and tell her let's go. I did it. I just went to her class...made eye-contact...said come out. And said let's go to the canteen. And we just went. We started walking and I looked back at Ayushi to see her reaction and I could see her screaming from the inside just like me.

We started walking and the first thing she said was, Do you want to do this like friends or I don't know to which I said "I don't know" to which she said "I don't know" and to break the loop I said, "How's it going?" to which she said, "I don't know." Then we went to the canteen, it felt weird because for the first time no one was there this is how early we went. I asked her if I could get her anything and she insisted on getting nothing. Then when I got my packet of chips I asked her again if she would like some and she denied it. We walked from the Delta block canteen to the Grubbox to the Gamma Block from where we turned around, came back to Delta, took the long route to the classroom which is short and then I said bye and walked off. 

We talked about teachers and how they are, common friends, and memories and she told me how I was walking extremely fast. Maybe it was because I was nervous. I came back to class all happy and then told Ayushi how it went she was also very happy. Sadly Pranay was absent today, they both have been helping me with this. Then during lunch break, the plan was that she would come to me and only then I would go. But she didn't come and I also couldn't find my friends, so I was with Prajwal during that time. Then when hometime came, Ayushi pushed me to take a walk with her to the bus yard but I was extremely tired and decided to go with my friends instead. Bad decision. Should've gone with her. It just wasn't as fun with them as it usually or otherwise is. 

Then on the bus, Pihu was going to sit ahead of me and she was really sad and I told her to tell me what happened and sit with me. 2 reasons...she can get really sad and 2) I couldn't risk spoiling my happy mood because I didn't talk to someone in the bus. Somehow I helped her resolve her issue, coincidentally the one who she was mad with was on the bus beside ours and they talked and resolved their issue. Then Sachi and Simran and Srijan played music. That was fun. And I sang my happiness out. Sachi asked me where I was during the Short break because she was introducing her and my common friends to Simran because she is in IGSE and also new to the school. Whereas Sachi and I have been here since Nursery and are in CBSE. At one point Pihu asked me what happened and I decided not to tell her why I was so happy. Then I couldn't hold it. I asked her, "Can I tell you what happened" and she said yes and I air-whispered, "I had my first date today" and she got so so excited. She asked for her name and I said I'll tell you when we get off. Totally forgot about that then. Pihu, Sachi, Simran and me were walking towards our houses, Pihu took her usual left and the other three of us went right. Then Sachi, Simran and me stood there talking for half an hour. That was fun as well. We started with who looks good in the school. How did Simran feel about Sachi and my common friends?  Then we shifted topics to if we like anyone and then they asked me who I liked and where I was in short break. They figured out I was with a girl and then asked for her name. I was resilient at first but then I finally told her name to them. That was kind of weird because Simran being knew didn't know her and Sachi being old had forgotten who she was. I expected a joyous response but didn't get one and then we created an artificial one. Then we talked about their crushes, and what personality mishaps we and other people in the school have and finally I and Simran went forward leaving Sachi behind because our block wasn't there yet. And I said bye to her as I stepped onto my floor.

I feel I've told about her to way too many people and the fact remains that the people I consider my great-great friends do not know. Because well. Now I don't know what tomorrow's going to be like, but I know for a fact that she likes me. I asked Sachi what to say if she asks, "Are we doing this as friends or I don't know" to respond with "not as friends". Thanks, Sachi, will use it. Maybe we go during the long break cause we have to show Simran our common friends again. But yeah. I've liked the girl since forever. Nothing really took off between us but now that it is, I am euphoric. Can't wait for tomorrow!

What a day.

Yours truthfully,


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