Sohams everyday diary! May24

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24 May 2021  Monday

838PM-904PM(writing time)

Dear future Soham,

Heeeelooo gorgeous soul ya😘😘 are you? good? bad? just know that you looking fucking awesome today, FUCKING AWESOME. oKIE last night we really stayed up till 1 or smtg...i was making this table related to memory improvement and also reading the book. Alarm woke me up at 6 30 but I didn't wake up and I actually slept till 7 30 when the brilliant people of my house; ahem ahem, woke me up and made me exercise. AND THAT WAS THE BEST EXERCISE EVER. ONLLY WEIGHTS SO NO SWEAT AND THE FACT THAT ALLL THE EXERCISES WERE WHERE YOU HAVE TO LAY DOWN AND LIFT TYPES. AND THOSE ARE MY FAVOURITE COZ (SELFEXPLANATORY). BEST EXERCISE DAY EVER. We all ate on the terrace; yesterdays noodles and some mango shake...i got to studying then and there but I soon enough gave thing I gave up right after giving up on reading chem was me giving up on reading that book. Pretty much watched netflix then...don't blame me..i didn't study shit today..NETFLIX WAS BAE. I watched netflix all along then, I had ordered some stuff off of amazon and one of it had this 4 in 1 pedicure had this pumice thing...and I used it...SOFTIE SOFTIE ANKLES BITCHES. I put my legs in warm water and then I pumiced it...kewl. continues with nEtFliX...i totally almost forgot bout guitar class but thankfully joined on time...after that we all sat together, divyam and da dwere on the piano and I was continuing the movie which we fam members had started together but they watched without me while I was in guitar class. Pretty much next I and we sat together and dad had ordered some tones of games for family was this basketball connect 4 kinda thing..DOPE...we're all gonna eat and sleep now...very unproductive day :(


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