Sick Hearts - Rey Mysterio

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I miss this guy so much. ;~; Also, surprise! Two stories in one day oh my. I just spent breakfast time writing this instead~ Once again, many feels so be warned! I promise fluff and sillyness again soon. And more importantly please enjoy. <3 Thank you Doggygirl1 for requesting! Enjoy. Xx
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"Alright, today you'll be matched up with your mentors." Mark's voice boomed in the rec centre. I sat crossed legged among the other talent who would begin their first mentor training today. You could practically feel the anticipation like static electricity sparking in the air. I casually look at the other talents sitting among me. There's only 4 others, all are men. I struggle to pay attention to Mark but my mind keeps straying to the rings standing behind him. I'm more than excited to begin training. Training again, that is.
I had once been on top of the Diva's division. I was the centre of attention. In the middle of a bitter rivalry that was as real on-stage as it was off-stage, I was forced to leave for a little over half a year due to a vicious rib injury I had sustained. I used my small size to my advantage, using my agility to staple myself as the first Hispanic high-flying diva. In truth my injury really only took a couple months to heal. It was my emotional problems that kept me from returning. But only I knew that. I would go through practice training again if it meant keeping my personal problems hidden deep in my heart. I was broken from my thoughts at Mark's voice.
"_____, I understand you're not a newbie so I'd expect you to be a little bored but you still need to pay attention."
"S-sorry, Mark.."
He continued to drone on in his monotone voice. Soon he began matching everyone up with their trainers. I was interested to know which Diva he would choose for me. I'm the only high-flyer, and I've beaten every single one of them in a match at least once. I stood up as Mark called me over.
"And here's your mentor." He stepped aside to reveal a man about my size.
"Hey, I'm Re-" He stopped mid sentence, as I looked up from his hand that was now frozen mid-air I felt my own jaw nearly hit the floor. Our eyes both wide in shock, we stared at each other for what felt like hours.
"Are you nuts?!" I finally shouted at Mark, causing every other person in the room to turn and look. You've got to be kidding me. Rey freaking Mysterio.
"No. No, ok no I'm not doing this." He threw his hands up in exasperation.
"Now now." Mark rested a hand on our shoulders as we faced each other.
"No, Mark I'm not training with him. I would rather walk away from this all again."
"Who's stopping you? Once a quitter always a quitter." Rey nearly spat the words out and I felt anger boiling my blood.
"What? You wanna say that again?" I pressed towards him, Mark was now in between us trying to keep us from ripping each other's face off.
"That's enough! You behave like children you'll be treated like children. Now you two stop acting immature and get this over with right now or you'll both leave do you understand?" Mark was really angry now but I couldn't care less. The intensity in Rey's blue white eyes matched my own, I'm sure. He was the first to speak after several minutes of tense silence.
"Whatever." He practically stomped to the ring. Mark eased up, fixing his suit before smoothing his tie and looking to me with sharp eyes.
"Get going."
I breathed out heavily before grudgingly making my way to the ring Rey was now waiting in.
"Let's just get this over with so I never have to see your face again. Ha. Oh, I mean your mask." I growled angrily.
Rey's eyes blazed. I got some kind of twisted satisfaction out of knowing I made him as angry as he made me. The bitter rivalry that was going on before I made my leave, was between Rey and I. And the personal problems that kept me from returning was Rey's fault as well. And I spent every day I was out hating him for it.
Without a seconds hesitation we locked up. His grip tight on my arms, I grit my teeth together and threw him to the might as best I could. It took him less than a second to spin upwards, I jumped to deliver a drop kick but he shoved my legs to the side which caused me to land awkwardly on my bad side. I was momentarily stunned, but long enough for him to take advantage. As he attempted a knee drop I rolled on my back and pulled my knees to my chest. His shin landed awkwardly into my knees and he was down. I stood up, pulling one of his legs up to slam it back down on the mat. He caught my leg with his own, knocking me to ground. Once again I landed on my bad side. I lay face down as he quickly moved over to pin my shoulders to the mat. I groaned in frustration as I tried to struggle free.
"Come on, quitter. Giving up already?" He growled.
With new found strength I heaved upwards, knocking him off me. I spun around and planted a knee firmly in his stomach as it was my turn to scowl bitterly.
"Oh how original. Why don't you come up with something new? What is your problem anyway?" I was beyond frustrated now.
He snarled, grabbing my arms, rolling us over with as much force as he could, pinning my arms hard on the mat either side of my head as he leaned close.
"You're what's wrong! You're everything that's wrong between us!"
"So now you're blaming everything on me? How is anything my fault Rey, please enlighten me!"
"Because.... because you ripped my damn heart right out of my chest without a single look back that's why!"
I felt like my heart, my lungs, my brain, everything froze. He has caught me so off guard that the only thing I could do was barely whisper.
"Two years, I gave you two years of my life and for what? Just so you could dump me like it was all for nothing? You didn't even have the decency to do it in you just left me a note. You could have at least looked me in the eye when you made my world come crashing down around me."
His voice shook every so slightly at the end, his eyes becoming tinged the slightest hint of pink. He released me from his grip, sitting up on his knees. He pulled his mask off and threw it on the mat in frustration. I sat up halfway, staring at him in pure confusion.
"What are you talking about? You left me! I'm just the one who officially ended it."
"I left you?"
"Oh don't act all innocent Rey." I laughed coldly, desperate to fight the lump I felt in my throat. I could feel heat in my cheeks and moisture beginning to blur my vision.
"I saw you. I saw you kissing Rosa. And after everything we'd been through."
I couldn't fight it any more. I covered my face with my hands as the tears flowed down my hot cheeks. I was shaking, like I was on the verge of some huge breakdown. I felt his arms wrap tightly around me and I was too weak to fight it. He held me close and let me cry as he rubbed my back sympathetically. When I finally began to calm down a bit he began to speak, choosing each word carefully in a voice so quiet I almost couldn't hear him.
"Is that what you thought?"
"What?" I sniffled and blinked my eyes in surprise. still not letting him go.
"What you saw really did happen, but it wasn't what you think. Yes our lips touched, but it her move not mine. She was flirting with me and I told her she was making me uncomfortable. And when I asked her to leave she grabbed my face and kissed me. I... I wanted to tell you but you never gave me the chance."
" that true?" I once again felt a lump in my throat threatening to choke me. He pulled me impossibly close, like at any second I might disappear into thin air, and buried his face into my shoulder.
"You think I would be stupid enough to do anything that might hurt the most important person in my life?"
He leaned back and at once pressed his lips against mine. I saw just enough of his face to see that a single tear had streamed down his cheek. We held each other for a long long time. I could drown in his kisses rained down on me from heaven. We whispered about how much we missed and still loved each other, trying to make up for lost time.
It was on that exact same day, a year later on a warm June night, that he would propose to me under a night sky filled with so many stars that it looked as if the heavens themselves might rain glitter on the earth below.

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