Attitude Change - Brock Lesnar

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"Your coach will be Brock Lesnar." From behind Mark came a huge man I recognized instantly as Brock Lesnar. He wore a smug smile on his face. I shifted uneasily on my feet, unsure of how I felt about this. I got an idea of the kind of man he was from seeing him appear on Raw tons of times. There was no denying that his huge muscles and his sword tattoo are super hot. His unpredictability and sheer power adds that intimidating element that makes it all the more exciting. But I was leery of him. He has a..... temper. And I'm already prepared for that fact that he absolutely will not go easy on me just because I'm a girl. Still.. this could be fun. I hope.

"Hi.. it's nice to meet you." I offered my hand out to him and he just stared at it blankly, the same smug smile still on his face.

"Be ready to grapple in 15 minutes." And with that he whipped around and stalked away to a vacant ring.

"Don't worry," Mark smoothed, clearly trying to deescalate the awkwardness, "He's always tough on newbies. Just take it with your chin up and don't forget your training." Mark was talking about the fact that I actually know some martial arts myself. I am nowhere near the same skill level as Brock, not by a long shot. But it was something about me that would allow me to stand out from the rest of the diva's. With a heavy sigh I picked up my dufflebag and headed to the locker room to change. 

I wore a jet black top that looked a bit like a crop top only even shorter. My shorts were color split down the middle... black on one side red on the other. My kickpads matched my shorts. One red, one black. I pulled my long hair back into a single french braid. After wrapping my hands and wrists as I was taught to do... I was ready. Or so I thought. I heaved a heavy sigh and headed out to the training ring.

. . .

He hurled one jab after the other. At first it kind of made me feel weird inside. But it was quickly becoming harder to tolerate. The trainer I was assigned was able to counter the clothesline I attempted to deliver easily. He pulled me right into a vicious side effect that had my head reeling. 

"Do you think if every woman wrestled like you, they'd let them wrestle at all?"

I got up somewhat shakily. I was on defence now as the trainer went on offensive. I thanked the stars for my previous training. I dodged most of his rushes and jabs with precise speed, keeping my hands up to cover my face. I risked a glance sideways at Brock. He stood, arms crossed, with the most arrogant grin on his face he could possibly manage. The trainer rushed at me and I threw a knee up. It collided with his abdomen and I tried desperately to pull him into a Future Shock DDT. I landed it but I could tell that it felt a little sloppy.

"Jesus Christ..." Brock grumbled, placing both heads on the ringside and lowering his head while shaking it. I glared in his direction and what he said next as he looked straight at me set me off.

"Do you even want to be in WWE?" 

My patience that was already running very thin dissolved. The trainer turned to face Brock with a "go easy on her" look on his face. In a fit of anger I grabbed his shoulders and swung him around, almost throwing his face straight into the turnbuckle. Adrenaline made me able to sling him like he was doll, despite him being much bigger than me. Hands still grabbing his shoulders, I all but threw him off of it and he landed with a satisfying thud on his back. For a brief moment I felt bad for knocking the air out of him. However, my aggression was causing my martial arts training to kick in and I was on him in an instant. I delivered a few swift blows towards his face that we was barely able to block in time. He rolled away from me desperately trying to get to his feet. The very moment he stood up I swung a kick that collided with his ribs so hard he grabbed the ropes for support. I had him trapped with nowhere to go again. I delivered a blow to his abdomen with my knee before pulling him down to the mat. Not even a second later I had him in a tight kimura hold.

The poor trainer tapped immediately and I pushed him away as I jumped up. I was breathing heavily, slightly satisfied he was clutching his shoulder painfully, and shot a lock up at Brock. He still stood smugly with his arms crossed, but his eyebrows were raised. I huffed to myself and slid out of the ring from under the ropes, snatching a water bottle from the ringside table. I took a few long drinks from it and leaned against the table, unwinding my wraps when Brock approached me.

"That..... was pretty impressive." Irritation was still lingering in my blood but I couldn't help my smirk at the comment. 

"Oh, did I please you?" I mumbled out sarcastically.

"Very much so." His voice was so genuine as he said it that I actually had to stop unwrapping my wrists and look up at him. He indeed looked genuinely happy with me. We held each other's gaze for a moment. I huffed and went back to my task, suddenly a little nervous to look into his eyes. 

"Well. I guess I needed a push." My hands were a little shaky and I began to fumble with the wraps.

"Here." Brock moved beside me and took my fingertips gently, expertly unwrapping the fabric with one hand and somehow keeping it wound neatly around his own hand as he did so. "When you're unwrapping them, wind them around your fingers like this. " It was obvious he had done this thousands of times. My fingertips suddenly felt very warm where his hand held them. I watched him as he moved skillfully. It was fascinating. 

"That was impressive, you know. I had no idea you knew any of those moves."

When he was done with the hand he quietly said "gimme" and took my other hand to do the same to it. When he was done he sent them on the table behind us but did not loosen his grip on my fingers. I looked up in confusion and my breathing quickened as I noticed he was staring directly back into my eyes. Being this close to each other, him staring intensely into my eyes, it was on pure instinct that I automatically looked away. My head was spinning. What the hell is with the sudden attitude change?

"Stop doing that." He said with a light laugh. He used his free hand to place a curled finger under my chin and guide my face until I was looking at him. My heart rate and breathing was quickening by the second. I could no longer look away from his gaze. He started to lean forward, coaxing my face forward at the same time. When our faces were mere inches apart my eyes fluttered close automatically. My mouth parted slightly and I held my breath. But instead of feeling his lips touch mine, I felt his plant firmly yet lightly on my forehead. He released me and I blinked my eyes open to look up at him once more.

"Would you like to get dinner with me tonight?" He asked. My throat was still a little tight from the eruption of nerves so I settled for simply nodding my head. A soft smile formed on his face, a rare sight. He stood up and cupped my cheek one last time, leaning in close to whisper something in my ear.

"Next time I go to kiss you I won't chicken out. You better be ready."

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