A Little Help - Seth Rollins

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Wrestlemania. The pinnacle of sports entertainment. It's basically the wrestling worlds version of the Superbowl. And this year I get to be a part of it. 

I popped my gum as I stretch in front of the full length mirror in my locker room. My dark blue hair with lighter blue end falls just at my shoulders. My ring gear, almost a perfect mix between Lita and AJ Lee's styles, gives me a boost of the confidence I need to shake off the last minute jitters. I may be one of the toughest diva's here but even I get nervous sometimes. The burning in my muscles feel amazing as I stretch. I worked out super hard yesterday in order to feel more prepared for tonight as I face Charlotte. I would take the Women's Championship from her tonight.

My eyes narrow as I think of her. That arrogant jerk and I have never gotten along. She loves to use her size and strength and daddy as intimidation. She gives us diva's who actually work hard to get where we are such a bad name. My bitter thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"You're up next." Baron's voice booms out from behind the door. We're kind of an odd friendship, he and I. But we're the most similar in terms of style and attitude so it works out for me. 

"Be out in a minute." I glance in the mirror one last time. "Show time, kid." 

Baron walks with me to the gorilla. He relays to me all the best moves he usually uses and which counters are most effective. After what feels like an eternity of this I snort and turn to face him.

"Baron... there is one glaring problem with the moves you use." He tilts his head at me, prompting me to continue. Exasperated, I motion to myself in a flailing fashion. "You are literally almost two feet taller than me!" 


"Yeah. 'Oh.'" I mimic his voice, rolling my eyes. A knowing look creeps on his face as he looks behind me.

"No I don't think the Shield was the best tag team ever." 

"What?" I turn around and returning from his match is Seth Rollins. At the mention of the Shield's name he looks up and makes eye contact with me before swiftly looking away.  Instantly my mouth goes dry and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I whipped around and gave Baron the most malicious look I could possibly give. He simply smiles smugly and pats my head with one large hand. 

"Knock 'em dead, kid."

.  .  .

The three starting rings of the bell pull me into a laser focus like no other. Charlotte was leaning forward facing me, a defiant sneer on her face. Ric Flair is planted firmly at ringside. Of course. His constant shouts of "Woo!" are starting to get under my skin. Why is he even allowed to be here at ringside? I definitely wouldn't have been able to bring Baron. Charlotte lunges at me and catches me by the waist, spinning me around to hold me in a lock. I grab her wrists and manage to drop out from between her arms and pull on them to tumble her down to the mat. She gets up immediately and turns to face me while backing up a little. 

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