Mood Swing - Dean Amrbose

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I breathe a heavy sigh to myself as I lean against the wall outside Rosa's dressing room. People walking by don't even try to hide the fact they are surprised to see me. I can hear the condescending murmurs as they walk by in pairs, glancing blatantly at me, then whispering with laughs in between. Rosa is my sister, and last year she left for personal reasons to receive therapy. Of course I left with her, which left me out of the ring for a long time. Everyone has been pretty harsh to Rosa and it bugs me. I glare coldly at the snobby jerks who walk by. I don't recognize most of them as they are new and I've been gone for a while.

Moments later Rosa emerges from her room, clad in ring gear.

"How do I look?" She asks, nervously biting her lip.

"You look great!" She perks up a bit at my words. I grab her hand and walk her down the hall towards the ring, talking about random things loudly so she won't notice the looks being thrown her way. 

On our way we pass by a group of three man, each dressed in black. One with blonde and black hair, a thin guy with decent muscle tone for his size. The second is the largest of the group, a tall well built man with Samoan like features. He looks rather unapproachable. Then my eyes land on the third member. The medium sized one out of the group, he has shaggy hair that looks as it it goes all over the place and wears a leather jacket. The light glints in his blue-grey eyes and he laughs amongst his friends.

"Who is that?" I whisper to Rosa, slowing my pace. Her eyes widen as they land on the three men and she all but nearly causes me to trip when she stops shortly.

"I don't know, but let's find out!"

"No, Rosa!" Still squeezing her hand, I pull her firmly back and she looks at me curiously. "You can't just go over there and ask that."

"Why not?"

"Just... ahh." I peek around her and notice the one in the leather jacket glances over at us, talking lowly to the other two. "It doesn't matter, I was just curious. I guess a lot of people have come and gone since we've been out." She casts her eyes downward guiltily and I immediately try to lighten the mood. "I mean, I guess that means we've got a lot of ass to kick if we want to get back on top!"

As expected she flashes me an eager smile and I hurry her out to the gorilla. Her music hits and she's out on the ramp. I scroll through messages on my phone as I head back to the television to watch her match. I look up when a large man suddenly blocks my path. My eyes widen to the size of full moons when I see it's the shaggy haired guy in the leather jacket. He looks down at me, head slightly tipped back, with a curious expression.

"Who you?" He asks roughly.

"Uh...uhm.. I'm ______."

"Huh. You new?"

", not really. I've been on hiatus with Rosa. The girl I just walked out."


He still gazes at me through slightly squinted eyes and I fidget a little uncomfortably. This guy is definitely a bit weird. But I can't tear my eyes away from his steel ones. 

"Dean." He finally says, breaking the incredibly awkward silence.

"Excuse me?"

"Name's Dean."

"Oh.... nice to meet you."

I see the corners of his mouth pulling up into a small smile. I am totally and completely lost right now. He pokes my forehead and my heart flutters at the unexpected touch.

"Ha.. you're a little nervous right now right?"

"How did you know that?"

"Well for one, you're eyes are about the size of watermelons."

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