Thank You - Roman Reigns

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Hello hello little cupcakes and good evening(morning). <3 First of all, I am so so so sorry I have not been active for a couple weeks. I have had a lot of things going on and just could not find the time to write. But, I saw that you guys were still reading my stories and still smiling. That means more to be than you know. I really do love you all, you make me so happy. Second, mushy talk over now. I'm back with a new story and will gladly take requests again. Short and sweet, not my strongest writing but I hope you enjoy anyway. Thank you so much for your patience. Honestly though, you guys are so cool. (‘-’*)

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 "La la la..."


"Ahh!" I nearly fell out of the chair I was spinning in as my twin sister AJ interrupted my humming with a loud shout. "Geez, you could have given me a heart attack." 

"Now now, little tart. Come come, we have a huge tag team match coming up! Let's go, come on, hurry!"

"We do?!" 

"Yeah, H said he came by and told you?"

"Urrrgghh, I must have had my headphones in. I didn't even hear him."

"Oh well, we gotta go start getting ready!" And with that AJ grabbed my hand and whisked me out of the dressing room.

"Who are we even teaming with?! I'm so confused."

"Me, you, Roman, Dean, against Seth, Randy, Nikki, and Brie."

My breath caught in my throat at the name of one member of our team. The tall, dark, handsome Samoan with cascading hair and piercings eyes. His sharp features and devilish smirk contrast so greatly with his soft and gentle nature.


She suddenly stopped and let go of my hand, turning around to peer into my eyes. 

"Yeah. Is there a problem?" I could feel a blush beginning to creep into my cheeks. AJ narrowed her eyes, studying my face for a long moment. I held my breathe knowing that she knows me all to well. Finally a sparkle flashed in her eyes.

"Okay. Well, H told us to tell the boys. I'm gonna go find Dean and tell him about the match. Why don't you go find Roman?" 

"Wait, uh no I-"

"Bye!" And with that she turned on her heel and skipped off. 

"AJ!" I shouted after her but she didn't turn around. I hate when she does this. I wrung my hands nervously. 

"What do I do, what do I do..."

"What are you spazzing about?" I spun around, maybe a little too quickly, at the voice I heard behind me.

"Oh. Randy." 

"Wow. Don't sound so happy." He poked my forehead and I batted it away. 

"You're a good one to be accusing someone else of being a spaz."

"The voices in my head wouldn't like you saying that." I felt my eyes widen a little bit as I stared at him.

"You... you don't really hear voices.. do you?" Randy simply huffed and ruffled my hair playfully before moving past me.

"Wait! Where's Roman?" He turned back around. 

"Dunno. Probably catering. Why?"

"The tag team match coming up?"

"Oh. Yeah, that. Hunter just told me." I pressed my lips together. 

"You really are the most aloof person I know, you know that?"

"Meh." He shrugged his shoulders and turned away again. I rolled my eyes and headed in the direction of catering. 

I peered into the catering room. I scanned it quickly, my eyes finally landing on Roman sitting across from Dean.

"Of course." I grumbled to myself. Taking a few deep breathes to calm my racing heart, I finally drew the courage to approach them. 

"Hey, uhm... can I sit?" 

"I don't know, can yo-" 

"Dean." Roman cut off Dean's sentence with a sharp glare and moved over a bit.

"Yes. You can." 

Dean eyed me suspiciously as I sat down beside Roman. I shifted uncomfortably. 

"So, uhh. Dean.. has AJ talked to you yet?"




"Sounds like a good match." 



I glanced over at Roman who carried on eating his salad, totally oblivious to Dean and I. I looked down to my hands. I felt Dean's eyes on me and looked up to see him staring at me.

"What? Why do you keep staring at me?"

Finally I heard a muffled laugh from Roman. Dean cast a dirty look at Roman before returning his eyes to me. I glanced over both my shoulders, making sure he wasn't staring at someone behind me. 

"What are you staring at??"

"You're his competition." Roman said, stifling a laugh. 

"I'm his what?" 

"Roman, you idiot!" Dean picked up one of the grapes he had been eating and launched it at Roman, who dodged it easily. Roman returned fire with a carrott that landed squarely on Dean's forehead.

"Ow, you sonuva-" 

"Competition?" I repeated, cutting him off. Dean gave me a sharp look and Roman, still stifling laughter, turned half-way to face me. 

"Apparently there can be only one crazy person. He thinks you and AJ are getting more attention as the crazy ones than he is."

"Ahhh.... so..... you're jealous?" I asked, quirking a brow.

"Ahgh! Don't expect me to tag any of you princesses in tonight!" And with that, Dean whisked away in a huff. Just as he was about to leave the room, I called after him.

"Hey, Dean. We can give you some tips if you want! 

"Save it!" Dean angrily threw his bowl of grapes into the rubbish pail and stormed out. 

"Haha, nice one." Roman held his fist out and I shyly bumped it. Silence enveloped us once again and I traced shapes on the tabletop.



We both said at the same time. Roman laughed once, and I looked down.

"You go first.." I said shyly.

"Okay, uhh... Bella? Would you like to go somewhere after the show's over tonight? With me?" It took every fiber in my being not to grab my chest to make sure my heart was still beating.


"Yeah. I'd like to take you out." He had turned to fully face me now, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Uhm.. I'd love to." 

His smiled widened a bit and he looked around, finding a pen laying near a few pieces of paper. He tore off a small scrap of paper, scribbling something on it before handing it to me with a charming smile. 

"My number. Use it if you can't find me after the show.. or... use it even if you can." He flashed another impossibly charming smile at me and I felt my heart fluttering in my chest.


He got up, patting my shoulder lightly, before walking away. I read and reread the number scrawled out on the paper over and over again before holding it to my chest. I sighed happily. Thank you, AJ.

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