Why Didn't You Tell Me? - Dolph Ziggler

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You could say my crush on my tag team partner, Dolph Ziggler, is a small one. 

But that would also be the damn understatement of the year.

I sometimes wonder if watching reruns of the death scene from The Lion King would be less emotionally abusive that hanging out with him. I confirm this to myself as he relaxes on the sofa in my hotel room. I have just put in one of our favourite movies to watch and, of course, he takes up approximately 3x more room than that slender toned body of his should. I concentrate on my breathing as I slowly sit down next to him. Of course, because he is sprawled out like a starfish, our legs touch. 

"Uhh... Nick?"


'I feel like bursting into flames' is what I want to say. But I bite my tongue and motion to our legs.

"Think you're taking up enough space?" I try to sound as casual as possible.

"Oh.. right. Sorry."

He immediately sits up a bit more, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. To further confirm he has left me an emotional wreck, I take note that my leg now feels cold where his was seconds ago. I need help. I silently thank the stars though that somehow, someway, for as long as we've been mixed gender tag partners he has never caught on to my less than small crush on him. Sure, I'm also a damn good actress. And that coupled with the fact he isn't the most perceptive person all play out in my favor. But still. He sighs softly, jerking me out of my thoughts. Again, I am thankful that I was staring at the screen instead of him this time.

"Something wrong?"

"Nah. I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

"That's right. You do seem spacey today. Is everything alright?"

"Oh yeah. My brother just went through a break-up so he's calling me all hours of the night begging me for advice on how to get her back."

"Wow. So much fun."

"Oh yeah. Nothing like being woken up at 2 am to your little brother crying."

"Haha, aww come on. It can't be that bad. Why don't you go get some sleep?"

"Nah way man, we have such a busy week coming up. This may be the last chance I get to relax for a while and heading back up to my room with the two 'party-saurases' Truth and Ryback, I don't think that'll happen."

"I see."

"I'm gonna go splash some water on my face."

"Alright." I try my best to sound level.

I feel a touch of happiness at the fact that he enjoys spending time with me. But at the same time, he also made it clear hanging out with me doesn't make him nervous at all. Well..why should it? We're just tag team partners after all. In fact, I must be the only one over thinking this at all. It's true he's never made a pass at any girl's, at least not that I've seen, but that doesn't mean anything. Right? I mean. He shows about as much emotion around me as Slenderman would. Why should I even care if he doesn't-

"Hey, _____. Did you know the little soaps are shaped like seashells?"

"Shaped like-" I stop dead when I stand and turn around to see him completely shirtless right in front of me. His shirt is covering his head as he uses it to dry his face.

Unfortunately, as luck would have it, I stared for just a second too long. I look up to see him watching me with a curious expression on his face. I feel my cheeks begin to warm slightly. Great. Just perfect. 

"Are you....blushing?"

That's it. I can't do this anymore.

"Okay, you know what. No. I'm not okay Nick. I can't do this anymore. I can't be your partner anymore. It just puts me through so much."

"What are you talking about?" 

His eyes widen at my sudden outburst confession. His eyes waver sadly and I feel an instant stab of guilt in my heart.

"I just can't, okay? You're... you're an emotional burden. I can't focus when you're around. Maybe you haven't noticed but ever since Vince put us together I just can't compete the way I used to because I'm so confused about..."

".....confused about what?"

In a flash, without thinking, I reach up seal his lips with my own. He blinks is surprise and I feel him tense up. I quickly pull away as if I had been electrocuted. He says nothing for a bit, only blinks in surprise. I hang my head in shame. What was I thinking? I am a complete idiot. He reaches a hand up to curiously place his fingertips against his lips. Before I know it my back is against the wall and his hands are planted firmly on either side of my head. I close my eyes tightly, ready for the inevitable rage about to come tumbling out of his mouth. Instead, I feel lips against my own in a feather light kiss. This time it's my turn to be shocked as my eyes fly open and I see him smiling gently. I'm too stunned and confused to say anything so I just stare at him.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I..." I begin but close my mouth again. I'm still processing what just happened.

"Because maybe if you had told me sooner, I could have told you that maybe...just maybe... I have feelings for you too."

"You...?" I trail off once again. My head is spinning. He kisses me once more, somehow even more gentle than last time, and rests his forehead against my own.

"That answer your question?"

Afraid to say anything, and not trusting my own voice, I nod slowly. Finally feeling a smile tug at my own mouth. He pulls me into a warm embrace and almost instinctively my arms wrap around him, pulling him close. I have no idea what will happen now. I have no idea if Vince will be mad at us or not. But for right now, I don't care. Because this is all I want. I feel a warm sense of happiness spread throughout my whole body. My head is still spinning at the sudden twist of fate, but I know one thing for sure. I don't want to be anywhere else other than where I am right now.

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