More Than I Thought - Randy Orton

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Hello candy bunny clouds! Extra long story this week as apology for not updating last week. Also, if you have any wonderful cures for terrible colds LET. ME. KNOW. ;~; Enjoy. <3

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"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey."

I look up from my phone. Dean has taken it upon himself to sit directly in front of me at the table I was clearly enjoying alone time at. I lock my phone, slowly placing it on the table before rubbing my temples with a sigh.

"Dean... I'm wide awake. And it's 9 o'clock in the evening." Completely ignoring me, he gets straight to the point.

"Listen girl, the guys and I are going out to get some drinks tonight. You comin' with?"

"I don't drink, you know that." 

"Who's gonna make ya? Come on, it'll be fun."

"Why do I have to come?"

"Cause I said so."

"Dean I-"

"Come oooooonnnnnnnnn."

"You kno-"

"Come ooonnnnnnnnnn."


"Randy's picking you up, I'm catching a ride with the boy's."

"I didn't even say I'm going!"

"So we'll meet there at midnight then, alright?"

"Fine! Ugh!"

I snatch my phone up from the table, shooting Dean an icy glare before I turn away. He leans back, smiling smugly and clearly pleased with himself.

"See ya later, toots!"

"Don't call me that." That guy.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

A few hours later Randy and I are headed to a posh new club near the shore. It's silent with only the sound of music lightly playing in the car's stereo. Contrast to my glamorous appearance, I feel small stabs on anxiety in my heart. All the alcohol, the heat from the dancing bodies packed tightly onto the floor, not to mention the shameless men invading your personal space and slurring out drunk-fuelled obscenities and suggestive lines. I try to avoid clubs as best I can due to my straight-edge lifestyle. I sigh heavily as I stare out the window. Randy glances sideways at me. Like me, he is close friends with Dean, Seth, and Roman. Roman is like my big brother, I always look to him for support. While Seth is like the kind best friend I can share recipes and silly stories with. Not to mention top-notch hair products. And Dean? Dean is just a disaster. Randy and I are fairly close, he's always been more of a guardian to me. Spending time with him is always emotionally exhausting however. Being the ultra-confident man he is, he never seems to realize how flirtatious he can be. Despite his womaniser nature of which he is completely unaware of, I find myself harbouring faint feelings for him. Try as I might to dismiss every joking move he makes, it still sends my heart racing each time. 

"Something wrong?"

"...I guess not. You know I don't care much for clubs."

"I know. Dean force you to come along again?"


"Damn Dean." Randy mutters under his breath. My mouth twitches up slightly in a smile.

"Just....stay close to me, alright?" 

"O-okay.." Doesn't mean anything, doesn't mean anything...

Soon the club's insanely bright neon comes into view. Randy somehow finds an empty place to park. He glides around the front of the car to open my door. The second the door opens, I hear the blaring loud music and the sounds of many people shouting, cheering, talking. As I stand on my slightly wobbly sky-high heels, he rests a protective hand on the small of my back. Despite his harsh outward appearance, his touch is gentle and delicate. I feel my cheeks warm slightly and duck my head down. He guides us easily through the crowd of people outside, talking briefly to the bouncer he apparently knows before walking in.  

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