The Real Winner - Xavier Woods

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"What's up, gumdrop?"

"Xavier I told you to stop giving me dumb nicknames."

"It's isn't dumb!" Xavier's voice rose significantly towards the end of his sentence. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, sorry. What's up?"

"You wanna be on UpUpDownDown?"

"Woah, really?!"

"Yeah! I'm doing a versus video. How about it?"

"Of-of course, yes! I would love that!"

"Cool! Come by my locker room when you're free. Let's do Mario Kart."

I ended the call and excitedly gave a little jump of happiness. I darted away quickly to my locker room to change out of my ring gear before I met him. Once I had changed into black skinny jeans, Vans, and a dark grey shirt I rummaged through my bag for my contact lens case.

"No no no..." I couldn't find my case anywhere. I must have left it at the hotel. I groaned and tossed the bag to the side and picked up my glasses laying on the coffee table. "Good job. Forget your own contacts. At least I brought these." I stared at myself in the mirror, making a face of slight disapproval. I felt kind of....nervous? Tons of people had seen me in my glasses. But had Xavier? I huffed to myself and shook my head in an attempt to clear it. What am I thinking? I'm nervous about Xavier seeing me but not ton's of strangers on YouTube? I exhaled loudly. Here goes nothing.

I found Xavier's locker room and stopped right outside the door. I lifted a closed hand to the door and froze, hesitant to knock on it. Against my better judgement I knocked on it anyway and held my breathe. Xavier opened the door almost immediately, his face overflowing with enthusiasm.

"Hey! Welc...........ome." Xavier started off excitedly. He faltered a bit, eyes widening slightly, at the sight of me. I dropped my head shyly and bit my lip.

"I..uhhh... forgot my contacts at the hotel apparently. Kind of thought I'd need to see properly for this."

"Y-yeah of course. Um.. come on in." Xavier was still staring in surprise as he stepped aside to let me in. I felt my cheeks heating up as I brushed by his chest to enter through the small doorway. "You look... great." He said in wonder, closing the door behind him. I turned around to face him, biting my lip nervously. I was growing hopelessly more nervous by the second so I said the next thing that came to mind.

"Wanna get started on this video?"

"Oh! Yeah, of course. Sorry." He shook his head, refocusing himself and lead me over to where he normally shoots the videos. I took the seat to the right of his and settled in. He loaded the game up and the video began.

"What's up everyone, today I'm here with a very special friend and we'll be playing one v one Mario Kart edition. Now do I need to go easy on you or?"

"Excuse me?" I dropped my mouth open in mock offense and lightly punched his shoulder. "Lady's first, so I assume you're player one?" I asked while lifting a brow.

"Ohhhhhhh... you'll pay for that one." Xavier laughed and handed me my controller. The game began and he asked a few questions to keep me talking and distracted as we played.

"So you don't play very often do you?" He asked.

"No, I don't. I get way too competitive."


"Oh, I hate losing more than anything."

"Oh yeah? BOOM!" Suddenly he swerved hard and crashed right into my character, sending them flying off onto the side of the road.

"What?!" I shouted in exasperation and Xavier laughed loudly as his character sped past mine and took first place. I grumbled to myself and got back onto the road. Xavier was well ahead of me now and I puffed a strand of hair out of my face as I refocused myself.

"That's cheating!"

"How is it cheating?"

"I...I don't know, but it is!" I concluded with a huff. I glanced to the side at Xavier. He was smiling, his dazzlingly white teeth momentarily distracting me. He asked small meaningless questions as we continued, obviously trying to distract me so he could hold onto his lead. Before long the finish line was quickly approaching. I racked my brain for ideas of how to get ahead. I can't lose to him! The finish line came into view. In a last ditch desperate effort I leaned sideways and turned my head just enough to place a feather light kiss on his cheek, still keeping my eyes on the screen. He froze up stiff and nearly dropped his controller. I seized the opportunity I had just created and zoomed past his player. I crossed the finish line and threw my arms into the air nearly tossing the controller as well.

"Yes! I did it! I knew I would! I won!" I threw my head back and spun the chair around in circles. When Xavier finally came to, he crossed the line as well and ran a hand over his forehead.

"Well, damn it. I lost." He smiled, squinting his eyes, and I stopped spinning to smile at him in triumph. I found myself glancing at his cheek and I felt my stomach tighten briefly. I realize that I, myself, can't believe I just did that. He began running through his closing statements but I didn't really hear any of them. I moved my eyes from his cheek to his lips and finally his eyes.

"So yeah, leave a like if you enjoyed this video and we'll see you next time!"

Xavier immediately put his hand over the camera and turned to press his lips against mine in one mind numbingly quick move. My eyes widened slightly before they eventually fluttered closed. He leaned into the kiss enough to push my head back slightly and then pulled away, smiling shyly as he looked into my eyes. I was breathless as I stared back at him. He gently straightened out my now slightly crooked glasses.

"I'll edit that part out." He whispered slyly, placing a curled finger under my chin and staring at my lips. "Let's take this somewhere else. They don't need to see anything else." He flicked his eyes towards the hand still covering the camera. I nodded quickly and gave him another quick kiss, sealing the long overdue beginning of the best relationship ever.

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