Letting Go, Moving Forward - Adam Rose

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Shaking things up again! This story contains a little life lesson. I hope you all enjoy it and it leaves you smiling and happy. :)

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"Hello, lovely."

"Oh, hey you."

Adam gave me a tight hug, nearly crushing the breathe out of me. Adam Rose is new to the WWE. I am his sensai, teaching him the way of the business and such. It feels weird to be a mentor to someone older than myself, but I don't mind. It's pretty cool having someone around who looks up to you. Past that party crazy exterior he is actually a very bright and hard working guy. 

"So what is my master teaching me today?"

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"Don't be a lemon."

I snort and roll my eyes at his predictably. 

"Yeah, I totally didn't see that one coming. Well... how about we run through a practice match one more time. Your big debut is next week right?" I could almost see the pride ignite in his eyes as he straightened up a little.

"Yep! The party train is rollin' in to town and I'll be main event before you know it. Tell you what... I win my match, which I will, and you be my girlfriend."

"Haha, how long are you going to keep that up? We're just friends, Rosie. C'mon, let's go."

"Yes master!"

"Stop that."

He threw an arm around me as we turned to leave and I smoothly knocked it off immediately as per usual. He's like this with every girl. Which is exactly why I shoot him down every time. I know he doesn't mean anything he says. But I can't help letting it bother me a little. I told myself I would never ever get involved with a player. Not again. All they do is cause heartache. Precisely why Adam and I will never be anything more the platonic friends. 

A little while later, the ever so eager Adam and I are at the training gym.

"So sempai, where's my training partner?"

"You're looking at her." His eyes grew to the size of full moons.



"I can't fight a girl."

"Why? Are you chicken?" I begin to makeshift flap my arms like a chicken's.

"Oh you're going down now!"

He makes a leap for me but I sidestep him, causing him to hit the ground.

"Pffft, haha I can see you're graceful, yeah?"

"That isn't fair!" He whined. 

He sprung back up and we locked arms in a grapple. Of course he's stronger than me, I soon feel my back touch the ropes. In an attempt not to let him win so quickly I jump up, my feet landing on the middle rope, and push off as hard as I can moving to the left of Adam. It causes him to twist and land with a thud on his side as he releases me. However, by the time I stand up myself he pulls me into a tight squeeze, once again cutting my air off.

"Adam! Too... tight!"

"Either tap out or say you'll be my girlfriend and I'll let you go."

"Abso...lutely not!"

I'm pushed flush against his chest with my arms trapped under his own in an impossibly tight bear hug, so the best I can do is try to wiggle my way out. When I feel him relax slightly it sparks my curiosity. I look up to see him staring into my eyes. Seconds later I feel his lips push against my own and I freeze. 

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