Sharpie Hearts - Rey Mysterio

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** Going to try to keep this intro short. Here is my very first story being back! A short but INCREDIBLY FLUFFY Rey Mysterio for my very dear friend Doggygirl1 who waited so very long for my arrival. Like me, her love for little Rey never died. If you read my previous stories about him they were quite serious and deep. Therefore, I wanted to switch it up for this one. Thank you so much again Doggygirl and everyone else for your patience. Please enjoy and take care. Love, your friend Kyoko <3

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The door to my locker room slammed shut and my heart practically tore itself out of my chest.

"Eeekkk!" I couldn't stop the screech from escaping my lips and the book I was holding in my lap went sailing as I launched it into the air in surprise. I clutched a hand to my chest as Rey Mysterio stood, breathless and panting, his back to my door as he fumbled to lock it.

"What are you doing?!" I called out in alarm but he shh'd me and continued to listen. I sat, hand still to my chest, fighting to regulate my breathing for a few minutes.

"I think I lost him..." Rey sighed in relief and flopped down on the other end of the couch I was currently dying on.

"Lost who?! Do you realise you could have given me a heart attack?!" Rey's semi-relaxed features suddenly snapped back into sternness and he sat up straighter.

"Are you serious? Are you okay? I'm so sorry I-" I cut him off with the wave of a hand and finally removed my hand from my slowing heart.

"No I wasn't serious you just.. kind of terrified me."

"Sorry.." He looked down sheepishly and I inhaled deeply once more before exhaling heavily.

"Now... who is after you?"

"Dean." He muttered, still not looking me in the eyes.

"Dean?" I lifted a brow and prompted him when he didn't continue. "Why is Dean chasing you?"

"Well.. uh-umm.." His nervousness piqued my curiosity. Rey was my best friend. I had known him since High School. He was normally a very shy guy until you got to know him. I was unsure of when I had developed feelings for him.. I guessed it was because he stuck with me through the hardest years of my life in school. I never expressed my feelings for him for fear it would push him away and make things awkward if he didn't feel the same. I would rather have him in my life and be safe than take a risk and possibly not have him in my life at all. But I knew my best friend well enough to know there was something he didn't want to tell me.

"Oh just.. something I did. It's not hard to set the guy off right?" He flopped back against the couch and picked up the book that had flown into the air when he startled me. I eyed him suspiciously a few moments before finally relaxing myself. I decided that if he wanted to tell me what it was about then he would. In time.

"What page were you on?" I showed Rey the page I was on and he flipped to it. I scooted closer so I could read it as he flipped the pages. My knees rested against his own and one of his arms stretched across the couch behind me. Not quite touching me... but close enough that I was aware it was there. I know he had never read this and had no idea what was going on... but it was sweet of him to be so considerate. Being close like this was something we did all the time. At first it was hard to ignore but gradually it became easier and we sat in comfortable silence. The only sound was of our quiet breathing and the page rustling as it turned.

"He made a joke... a sexual innuendo... if you will." Rey finally spoke. I snorted without looking up from the pages.

"Who Dean? Nooooooooo. He would never."

"About you. I dunno I guess I got.. jealous? So....I snuck into his room after his match when he was power napping and.. kind of drew stuff all over him with sharpie." My eyes widened as big as full moons and I felt my mouth drop ajar.

"You did not...." My question was answered when an amused glimmer sparkled in his eyes. Shock gave way and I crashed into a fit of laughter, Rey joining suit. He described the things he had drawn... the VERY detailed things he had drawn. No wonder Dean wanted to kill him! When our laughter finally subsided a bit I got the courage to speak.

"You were jealous?"

The smile still lingered faintly on his lips but he spoke slowly, choosing his next words carefully.

"I feel... protective of you. I know you don't need me to be. Hell, you could probably kick my ass if you wanted to. But.. that doesn't change the fact that you hold a very special place in my heart. A place I'm not willing to let anyone else share with."

I looked up at him and blinked slowly. My eyes connected with his pale white ones and I felt myself biting my lower lip. He really was a beautiful man. Inside and out. Normally I was able to keep my feelings for him under control. I would never jeopardize our friendship. But in quiet moments like this his eyes swallowed me whole and I couldn't move.

"I don't want to lose you. Not ever." Only it wasn't me saying it. His gentle breathe tickled my skin. Every pore felt electrified. He arm fell ever so slowly to rest on my shoulders now. It felt so heavy and seemed as though it were a thousand degrees.

He leaned forward. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. I immediately held my breath for fear I would choke on my own air.

His lips touched my own and I melted almost instantly. The anxiety heightening my senses, I felt so alive. Every sense so vivid. He placed tender hands on either side of my jaw and gently pulled me forward, deepening the kiss. Seconds faded away to minutes until time didn't matter anymore. All I could feel in this moment were his soft lips finally on my own. Crashing against each other in airy feather light touches.

A pounding on the door had both our eyes flying open. The doorknob jiggled ferociously and we panicked. The magic of the moment blearing both of our minds.

"He's not in here!" We answered in unison. My eyes immediately widened and I gently slapped a hand on the side of his head with a "what are you thinking?!" look.

"Come on Rey Rey, I just wanna plAY SOME HOPSCOTCH WITH YA. COME ON OUT."

Panicking, I looked around I pointed to the door which lead outside to the indoor parking lot the other wrestlers private tour buses sat in.

"Thank you!" he mouthed, eyes gleaming in relief, and we ran for it, hand in hand to the door and didn't stop running until we made it into Rey's tour bus. I couldn't help but wonder to myself how long Dean would stand at that door shouting at it.

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