I'm Here Now - Dean Ambrose

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Tick tock. Tick tock. I can hear my bedroom clock ticking mercilessly. Another sleepless night. No matter how much I toss and turn my thoughts keep me up. Most people would call me crazy because I'm kept awake night after night by these voices in my head telling me how useless I am. I tell them they're the crazy ones. Only I know all to well it's not normal to feel like this. But how can I not? I'm always that girl that has to walk behind the group when the path isn't big enough. I'm the one that gets cut off in conversation and left behind when I ask them to wait for me. And the truth is I fall too fast and crash too hard. I don't really have any motivation to do anything anymore. My own sister Tenille, better known as Emma, doesn't even notice the fake smile I plaster over my face. I don't think anyone notices. It's amazing how much long sleeves and a smile can hide.

I followed my sisters lead and joined in the wwe not to long ago. It was a huge risk, and I'll still never figure out how I got them to let my ring attire have sleeves. You would think in my state, wrestling with skin exposed in front of the camera and millions of people would be the last thing I would want to do. But I honestly love it. In those few fleeting minutes that I'm in the ring, I forget all about my demons. But once I'm out of the ring and back in my hotel room the quiet sets in and my thoughts start all over again. There's one reason, through all of this, that I hold on. Jonathan Good. Ever since I joined wwe through nxt he's been my friend. My only friend. No matter what, he is always there. And the truth is sometimes I feel so damn guilty that it's always him I pour my negative feelings out too. But he is the only one who listens and cares. He is the reason I hold on. He always has been. He's not just my boyfriend, he is my saviour. My thumb dances over my cellphone screen for a second before I finally press "call" under his name.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice answers on the third ring.

"Hey... Jon."

"Faith? Are you okay?" His voice instantly becomes worried and I squeeze my eyes shut in guilt. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Please don't worry. I just can't sleep."

"Want me to come down? The boys and I are staying in a room two floors up."

"No you don't have to, I-"

"Please." He cut me off. I bit my lip for a moment.


I tap "end" on the screen and lay face down in my pillow. I don't think he understands how much he means to me. A few moments later I hear a light knock on my door and slowly get up to answer it. The moment I open the door Jon engulfs me in a tight hug.


"You know it's impossible for me not to worry about you when you call this late."

"No." I gently push him away and he looks at me with a puzzled expression.

"I hate doing this. I hate making you worry."

"Stop saying that." He closes the door behind him and takes my hand, leading me out to the balcony. The cold night air hits my face. It feels refreshing. I breathe in the chilled air, tinged with just a hint of salt. I can hear the waves quietly rolling. I go to sit in the chair next to Jon but he tugs my hand, making me sit in his lap. I look at him with a somewhat shocked and confused expression. 

"Sit here, tonight."

A teeny tiny real smile threatens to tug at my lips and I lay my head against his chest. Listening to his heartbeat calms me down. I miss falling asleep with my head on his chest, listening to his gentle breathing. But since we're on the road often now that rarely gets to happen. Almost as if he can hear my thoughts, I hear his gentle voice above me.

"I miss spending time with you like this." 

I squeeze his hand and nestle into his chest.

"Me too."



I raise my hand to look at him and he raises my hand he's holding.

"Will you pull up your sleeve?" My eyes widen in shock.


"I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn't there." He said so softly I could barely hear him.

"Jon, I-"


He had seen my scars once before and I quickly hid my arm. He told me as long as I promised to stop he would never look at them again. I had stopped a year ago when I promised him, but still felt extremely self-concious about the tell tell lines they left behind.

Slowly, I pulled my left sleeve up. Exposed were thin white lines running horizontally across my arm. With his left thumb, he slowly traced over the lines. I bit my lip and kepy checking his face for any expression. But I saw none. And suddenly he raised my wrist up to his lips and pressed them gently against my skin. He remained still for a moment. Finally, he pulled his lips away and locked eyes with me. It wasn't until his hand brushed my cheek that I noticed I had been crying. But they were tears if happiness. 

"I think you are beautiful, inside and out. With or without scars. There is absolutely nothing I can find at fault with you. I want to hold you so long that all your broken pieces stick back together." 

I could feel the lump in my throat rising as I swallowed back tears. Is this really happening? What is this strange light feeling. Could it be...happiness?

"I want to make you new again. I want you see true joy and find happiness in every day. And I want to be by your side, every step of the way. Faith Dashwood.... will you marry me?"

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