Time Bomb - Dean Ambrose

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One Shot for Dani-Ambroigns (fabuous name btw). Was a pleasure to write and I hope I did your plot justice~! x

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        I hum softly to myself as I brush out my long black curly hair. The darkened locker room lights make my tan appear even deeper, as my blue eyes shine in the darkness. I'm a newbie, but I've already established myself backstage. Most people will shrink away if I shoot them so much as one icy glare. In fact, the only people I can tolerate are Aj, Brie, Rosa, Nattie, Emma, and Naomi. I really have no personal issues with most people, I just choose not to deal with them. That being said, there is one man I absolutely cannot stand. That smug, childish, arrogant, mental case Dean Ambrose.

        The bitter rivalry between us goes far deeper than most anyone knows. To shed light, let's back up to CZW days. My tag team partner, not to mention boyfriend of 5 months was, you guessed it, none other than Dean Ambrose. We were on top of the world. Until the day he decided to turn his back on me, turning our once fun tag team matches into death matches starring the both of us against each other. That's right, I a diva, kicked his ass on more than one occasion. And being the coward he is he left CZW for FCW.

        Fast forward to my debut match on Raw. My eyes glint as I stare at my own reflection, recalling the memory. That night, a huge 8 man mixed gender tag team match was the main event. After weeks of bitter tensions brewing both on stage and off, it was way past time to settle things. My team consisted of Cena, Orton, Ryback and I against (of course) The Shield and Alicia Fox.

        Cena started things off, facing Seth. As usual the first few minutes of the match were amateur at best. A few hits here, a flurry of kicks there. In no time both men were hobbling to their respective corners. Cena tagged in Orton while Seth tagged in Dean. I remember feeling my jaw instinctively clench as Dean sauntered into the ring. He shot me a smug look, head tipped back, causing my eyes to narrow to slits. Randy delivered a few squarely landed punches that caused a smirk to tug at my mouth. It quickly fell when Dean smoothly sidestepped a side-effect set up by Randy, pushing him away and breezing through a float-around before giving him a rather vicious DDT. 

        Both men lay winded on the mat once Randy was down, but he made it to his corner to tag in Ryback before Dean had a chance to get up. The big guy stormed into the ring like a locomotive, tossing Dean around as if he were a rag doll. Poor Ryback made the mistake of giving Dean a chance to recover as he turned to the crowd to chant "Feed me more!" Dean scrambled to his corner and tagged in the Juggernaut. Roman muscled into the ring, knocking a surprised Ryback in the back on the head and throwing him to the mat. He landed several heavy kicks on his chest, which caused me to grit my teeth. He strutted around the ring, showing off, before he locked eyes with me with a smirk and picked Ryback up to RKO him. A clear stab at Randy. He picked Ryback back up to whip him into the corner but Ryback countered, and instead pulled Roman in and clubbed him with a big clothesline.

        Completely drained, Ryback practically collapsed into our corner and tagged in Randy. As Randy bent to enter the ring I felt my patience snap. I slapped his back, hearing the ref shout "Tag!" and earned a surprised look from Randy. With a low grumble he returned to the apron, and Alicia strutted into the ring. Feeling anger bubbling in my blood, I let her get to about mid-ring before I super kicked her with all my might. I probably should have just missed her jaw like we are taught to do in training school, but in that moment I didn't care. Stunned, she practically collapsed to the mat. I grabbed her fake hair in both hands and tossed her easily over the top rope and out of the ring. Still feeling high of adrenaline and anger, I made a quick half turn right to super kicked Rollins off the apron. Dean leaned over to check on his fallen mate and I took the opportunity to land a powerful kick to the side of his head. He too dropped off the apron. I narrowed my eyes at Roman, gave him an arrogant smile and wave. He only glared in return, clenching the rope in his hands.

        "10! Ring the bell!" And with that, Alicia wass counted out and we got the victory. Randy and Ryback held me on their shoulders while Cena posed on the turn-buckles and threw his wristbands into the crowd. Thus, the mutual hatred between The Shield and I would begin and last about a month. It was then that, by some sick and twisted sense of humour courtesy of the authority, I would be put in another mixed gender tag match featuring The Shield and I against Ryback, CM Punk, Randy, and Summer Rae. I stood as far away from them as possible on the apron, not caring my displeasure was clearly showing. Dean started things off but I didn't give him the honour. The second the bells rang, I slapped his shoulder. The ref called me in and he looked to me with fire in his eyes. I matched his glare as we stared seethingly at one another.

        Summer and I wrestled for a while, but I wasn't especially keen on letting my "team" win. I let her get to her corner and tag Ryback in. He entered the ring, a look of sympathy of sorts brimmed his eyes. I gave him a little nod, our own little silent language. I turned on a heel, poking Roman's chest then rejoining my space on the apron. I let myself appear especially pleased as Ryback took extra care hitting him harder than usual. Ryback flung Roman into the corner. Dean tagged Roman and that was when hell broke loose. Dean questioned whether I was actually going to let him fight this time or not. Infuriated he had the nerve to talk to me, the four of us got into a livid argument. Ryback, seeing how intense the situation was getting, grabbed Dean and pulled him up and over the rope. He landed with a satisfying thump on the mat.         The three guys from the other team took turns dealing his punishment. 

When Punk became bored he tagged Summer in who entered the ring a little cautiously this time. Dean, clearly injured, could barely walk once he finally struggled to his feet. As he came within an arm's length distance of me I jumped off the apron. His mouth dropped open. Roman and Seth hissed at me to tag him while Dean looked on completely stunned. I smirked, turning my back to him. I was halfway up the ramp when I heard the bell ring which signalled our team's defeat.

        I slammed my locker room's door shut behind me as I entered it. I jumped into the shower, relishing the steamy hot stream of water washing away my troubles. Feeling a bit over-heated, I dried my long curly hair and threw it into a ponytail. I changed into shorts and a black t-shirt with "Badass" in red dripping letters displayed prominently across it. I gathered the rolling suit cases I brought to the show and begin making my way out the building.

        About halfway to my destination, a rough hand grabbed my arm and I was jerked into a dimly lit locker room. Clearly surprised, I blinked rapidly until my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I realized The Shield were standing before me.

"Oh you've got to be f**king kidding me." I hissed.

"Nice to see you too." Dean growled.

        The three try their best to scare me, throwing empty threats at me and trying to intimidate me with size. I stood my ground, staring fiercely at the three cowards before me. Roman punched the wall hard just inches from my head and I felt myself flinch. What? I flinched? Suddenly I realized there was a light tremor travelling the length of my spine. Was I actually...scared? I tried so so hard to hide it. But no matter how much I struggled, tears started to build slightly in my eyes. Thankfully, Roman and Seth offered only one more empty threat before they stalked out of the room. I swallowed hard and dropped my eyes, fighting desperately the water that was starting to blur my vision.

"What's the matter babe... you scared?" Dean drawled in a scummy voice.

        He closed the distance between us, flattening me against the wall as I avoided looking at him. He absolutely could not know I was actually scared. I bit my tongue. Hard. The pain stunned me just enough that I could feel the lump in my throat subside and my eyes clear up. I met his intense gaze, hoping mine was blazing with as much hatred as I felt. He continued this death stare match for what felt like hours. And in a move quicker than humanly possible, he crushed his lips to mine. I pushed hard against his chest, trying in vain to get him off. But his hands were planted stubbornly on the wall. He continued to forcibly press hip lips to mine, trying to fight for dominance. And to my absolute surprise I found myself grasping his shirt. I was pulling him towards me instead of pushing him away. The smell of his cologne filled my nose and drowned out everything else as I was lost in memories. Like a deep grey sea, the memories came in waves and crashed around inside me. Love and hatred somehow coexisting within me. An eternity later we finally separated, staring breathlessly at each other. A fiery glare that melted like ice into familiarity. We whispered our confessions to each other, making up for all the time we lost. So quietly only the two of us could hear because in that moment we were the only two people in the world. And from that moment on, we both swore our worlds would forever remain one.

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