Please Just Tell Me - Wade Barrett

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Good morning guys. ☆ (Or good evening if you are in US ^_^) I wrote this story Monday and have been waiting to post it all week. Was anyone else heart broken to hear that Bad News Barrett will be out for months? D: I know I was. So in honor, to help tide you guys over, I wrote this super cute and super sweet story. Also, please message me any requests you might have as I have none right now. I hope all of you enjoy!  ❤

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"I'm afraid I've got some bad news!"

A smile plays across my lips as I hear the tall handsome Englishmen boom these iconic words on the tele.

"Watching your man?"

A yelp escapes me as I jump at the voice suddenly behind me.

"Geez, Randy, how do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You're like a freaking ghost or something."

"But I've been tanning?"

"....That's not what I meant. Anyways, what's up?"

"I just finished a promo with Colby so I'm avoiding Hunter as long as I can."

"Haha, why?"

"Look, he's a cool guy and everything. But sometimes I think he forgets he and I aren't actually friends."

"That's the most 'Randy' thing I've heard you say in a while."

"Whatever." He grabs a chair and places it in front of me, sitting on it backwards to face me.

"So, have you told each other yet?"

I feel my cheeks begin to burn and look down at my hands.

"Uhh..well... I don't know what you're talking about." I lied.

"Ha! I knew it."


Wade and I have been dating for close to a year. The problem? Neither one of us has said "I love you" yet. Oh, I know I love him. I'm crazy in love with him. But I'm terrified to say it first. What if he's not in love with me? What if he freaks out?

"Are you even listening to me?"

"I'm sorry?" I spaced out and didn't even hear Randy talking.

"Pay attention!" He ruffles my hair up.

"Okay, fine!"

"Alright. I said, why don't you head over to his room when we get back to the hotel? You should tell him then. I know you want to."

"To his room?"

"Yeah. Bryan said you can see the shore from the rooms. Romantic right? And your one year anniversary is coming up. Think about it."


"C'mon. Don't be nervous. You know he's crazy about you."

"Thanks Randy." He smiles and ruffles my hair once more.

"Anytime, kiddo." 

Okay, that's actually not a bad idea. 

'Let's spend some time together tonight. Your room?' I type out the message and hit send before locking my phone with a small smile.

Later that night, I knock on his door. A rush of butterflies twirl in my stomach. Even though we've been dating a year, I still get a little nervous when we finally get to spend alone time together. We're constantly on the road so alone time is rare with him. But that's not the real reason I'm so nervous. How do I even say it? It's just 3 simple words. But they mean so much. Ugh.

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