One Shots - WWE Edition

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Hello my little cream puffs! I am back from my hiatus, I just couldn't stay away from you guys. ❤ To my complete surprise I had actually gained subscribers while I was away. That makes me so happy, I really feel like my writing it worthwhile for everyone. SO, enough with the sappy talk. ^__^ I am back and as a thank you for your patience I have a super mushy One Shot for you guys titled "Healing". Starring none other than the lovely Roman Reigns. (refuse to believe The Shield has actually separated!) Also, all of my future WWE One Shots will go into this book. Any unrelated stories will go into the one just titled "One Shots." Keep requests coming and I thank you again so much for your patience and kind support. Please enjoy the story.~ :)

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"I don't want you ever talking to him again!"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Can I not even trust you for one second? What the hell kind of a girlfriend are you? I'm more like a babysitter than your boyfriend!"

"...?! What the hell is your problem? He's my best friend, he has been for two years and you just now have a problem with that?!"

"I know how you are."

"You know how I am? What's that even supposed to mean? I've never even cheated on you no matter how horrible you were to me!"

"Excuse me? You are lucky to have me. Okay? Very. Lucky."

"I can't take this anymore! You think you can just keep telling me what I can and can't do, who I can and can't talk to, what to wear and what to say?! It doesn't work like that!"

"Well maybe if you weren't such a selfish little whore who pranced about in skimpy clothes talking to every guy you see I wouldn't have to tell you!"

I bit my tongue and my eyes glimmered with hatred at the remark. Seething with anger, and afraid if I stay any longer I might break in front of him, I smack the tall smug Englishmen across the face as hard as I can and storm out of his locker room. I slam the door behind me as loudly as possible and leave. I get curious stares from other superstars and managers as I walk quickly, head down, out of the building. I just barely make it out into the parking lot when the tears blurring my vision pour over onto my cheeks. I slide my back down against the wall until I'm seated on the ground, knees pulled into my chest.

"I can't do this. I can't do this anymore." I choke the words out to myself, just barely above a whisper. Moments later I hear a familiar gentle voice.

"Hey." I recognize that voice and squeeze my eyes shut in pain. 

"I don't know how you found me, but please go away. I've hurt you enough, I can't deal with anything else right now."

As I anticipated the familiar man disregards me, instead sitting down beside me.

"I followed you out here when I saw how upset you were." I huff bitterly.

"Points for honesty."

I felt the man rest a hand softly on my shoulder and I quickly shake it off.

"Roman. Stop. I just want to be left alone right now."

I wasn't looking at him but I could almost feel his eyes waver slightly.

"I don't think that's true." His voice was just barely above a whisper.

He words sunk another thorn into my heart. Because it's true. I close my eyes again and lean against his broad shoulder. I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders and it gives me the strength to confess the situation.

One Shots - WWE EditionWhere stories live. Discover now