Against All Odds - Roman Reigns

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*knock knock*

There was a knock on Rebecca's door as she carefully applied lip gloss just so in her locker room mirror. Her heart began to flutter, knowing exactly who it was. After fluffing her long dark swirling hair quickly, she nearly skipped to the door as she answered it. Pulling the door open, she tried her best to look cute only to have her best friend look at her in pure amusement. 

"AJ! What are you doing here?"

"Hehehe, expecting someone else? Your face looked so cute!" Rebecca rolled her eyes and smiled warmly at her longtime friend.

"Actually yes I was."

"I know. I came to tell you something." AJ's tone had suddenly turned quite serious, sparking Rebecca's inerest and causing her to lean forward slightly.

"What is it?"

"Well, I was walking around trying to find Kaitlyn and I heard Roman's voice and two other girls. So I peeked around the corner and he was standing near his door talking to Eva and Summer." Rebecca's fists instantly began to clinch slightly. She hated those two drama queens. Especially Summer the boyfriend stealer. Rebecca and Roman were not dating, though the pair obviously had feelings for one another. Something her father, Triple H, was well aware of and attempted to ruin from day one. It seemed everything were against them. 

"What were they talking about?" Rebecca asked, trying hard to stay cool.

"Here's the good part. So Summer was all over him like this..." AJ grabbed Rebecca's arm and began seductively running her hand up and down the length of it. "...and Eva was just standing there like 'oh Roman you're so hot you should totally go out with me sometime.'" 

"AJ, how was that the good part?

"No listen! Ok so Roman just kinda stood there quietly and when they finally gave him a chance to talk he just shook off Summer's hand and was all 'there's someone else.' And they just kinda stared at him and he literally just turned his back on them and left."

"Oh my god... he said that?"

"Yep, sure did!"

"He was talking about...."

"Ding ding ding, bingo! You!"

"Wow.." Rebecca was at a complete loss for words.

"Right? I knew you two were into eachother but wow. He didn't even give them a second. He's really serious about you I think. I gotta go, you should talk to him."

AJ gave her friend a hug and cheerfully trotted off. Rebecca tried her best not to look like she was about to jump up and down. She wanted to wait patiently for him since he had promised to meet up with her around this time, but AJ's words buzzed in her mind like a swarm of bee's. She couldn't stand the wait anymore and decided to try and find him instead. She weaved her way in between people, walking quickly to his room when she stopped outside of her dad's office. There were voices coming from the inside and she recognized them. The door was just barely cracked so she pressed herself to the wall as best she could and leaned closer.

'-at I said. Now I mean it Roman, this isn't gonna work out and I will personally see to it.'

There was a long pause.

'I'm sorry sir. Nothing you say will change my mind.'

'You wanna jeapordize your job?'

'No I don't. But I can't help this. I mean it. I'm dead serious, you can't say or do anything to change it.'

'Listen to me-'

'No you listen!' She heard a thump as he stood up forcefully. 'I know you've hated the idea of us since day one but come on, man. How can I help that I've fallen in love? How can I help that? What would you have done if someone told you that you and Steph couldn't be together? I'm sure Vince was nervous about someone taking his little girl away from him, I get that. But sir, you know no one will treat her better than I will. You know I'd do anything for her, even if it meant hurting myself. Even if you say no I'm still gonna be there for her, I'm still gonna protect her.'

Roman's words dripped with emotion. Rebecca could not see her father's face but she was sure Roman had given him something to think about. She quickly wiped away the tears threatning to spill over her cheeks and pushed the door open.


Both men looked towards her, clearly shocked at her sudden intrusion. She walked quietly to stand beside Roman, who still looked at little surprised.

"Dad. It's true. I know he would do anything for me. I... I..." She trailed off, becoming choked on her words. A soft smile graced her face when she felt him take her hand and squeeze it.

"...I've fallen in love with him to." Hunter quirked a brow as she continued. "I knew it, from the first time I saw him. Daddy please, I know you don't like the idea of us but... please I think I've grown up enough to make my own decisions now. There comes a time when a father has to let his little girl go, but you don't even have to do that. Because I'm still your little girl, I always will be. I just... all I'm asking you is to let me share a little bit of my heart with him. I know, you know, no one would take better care of me than he would."

She found strength through Roman's gentle grip and looked up into her father's eyes. His eyes, once cold, slowly started to melt and become replaced with resignation. He sighed deeply, covering his face in his hands. Finally he got up from his desk and walked around to the front of it, leaning against in directly in front of Roman.

" promise you'll take good care of her?"

"Until the day I die, sir."

"...good. You give her any reason to cry other than out of happiness I'll break your neck." Hunter gave a half friendly pat on the shoulder to Roman and nodded to Rebecca.

"You take good care of her. And.... you two can call it a night. Go on, go out and have fun."

A look of pure relief and happieness came washing over Roman's features and he laced his finger's through Rebecca's.

"Thank you so much." Rebecca whispered to her father and he nodded with a small smile, watching as the two left the room.

As soon as the door closed, Roman pulled Rebecca into a tight hug, spinning them around in circles. She giggled happily and he finally set her down, staring lovingly into her eyes as they stood in each other's embrace.

"That... that was amazing." Rebecca nearly whispered.

"Stop. You know I'd do anything for you. Even if he had turned me down again I still couldn't stay away from you. I'll never be able to."

"Good. Because I'll never let you."

 He smiled, tracing his thumb lightly over her cheekbone before bringing their faces together, lips locking together in a gentle loving kiss. They smiled to each other, knowing that this was the beginning of their new lives together. Where finally, against all odds, nothing would ever keep them apart again. And they pray that the paths of their two lives, now joined, will never seperate again.

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