Just My Luck - Wade Barrett

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Hello sunshine! I'm baaaaacccckkkkkkkk!!! :,D I have *finally* reached the point in school year where I can begin winding down and focusing on other things, like my writings. <3 So as per usual I apologize for the absence and I have a few requests to fulfill. But first here is something I whipped up quickly for you. Please feel free to send yours in. <3 I hope all of you have been well and I shall have some more stories for you soon. <3

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I had never expected when I left my house just less than 2 hours ago that I would end up in this situation. On the mat, I looked up to the three menacing men towering above me. Their cold glares seared through me. I shivered under their intense gazes. 

Minutes before, The Shield was making their usual path through the audience to the ring. I have never been a fan of The Shield, I found them to be massive bullies to be perfectly honest. As they storm down through the crowd, a fan standing beside me tries desperately to touch them, pushing me into the largest member in the process. The Samoan, Roman, jerks his head to the side to stare daggers into me as I smack right into his arm. Horrified, I try to back away but he roughly grabs my wrist and nearly drags me down to the ring behind Dean and Seth. 

"Let me go, it was an accident! Help!" I call to the people who we pass, who only shout in excitement in return. They think this is part of the show, I thought in a panic.

Soon enough we reach the barricade. Roman easily crosses over it and all but jerks me along after him. He slides into the ring, pulling me along as well. The other two look at me confused, unaware I have been forced to join them. Roman exchanges a few words with them. I sit on my knee's as Dean grabs a microphone. Roman and Seth stand, arms crossed, towering over me. 

"Is this some kind of sick joke, huh?" Dean shouts into the microphone. "You think.. you can hide people in the audience to take us out? It doesn't work like that. If you think... if you think you can take us out your wrong."
 He paces rapidly back and forth. I swallow hard, averting my eyes and stare at the mat. Had I not been so terrified I probably would have scolded myself for getting into a situation like this. How does this even happen? 
"So what? You think we won't fight your hired girl?" My head snaps up instantly. The three are staring at me, smirks plastered over their faces. I shake my head violently from side to side. It only causes them to laugh harshly.

"Please, this is all a mistake! I was pushed into him it was an accident!" I beg with them but they remain unwavering. Dean inches closer and closer to me, a dangerous look on his face. I screw my eyes shut and turn my face, waiting for the inevitable pain of a blow to hit me.

.....Huh? Suddenly the audience's reaction changes from a sea of "boo's" to cheering. They can't possible be cheering him on, right? Against my better judgment I barely peek my eyes open. Rushing down the ramp is four men, two with longish hair and half-painted faced who appear to be twin's. I recognize them as the Uso's. Also rushing down the ramp is Cesaro and... Wade Barrett? The Uso's go to work on Roman and Dean while Cesaro locks up with Seth.

"Come on!" Wade grasps my arm, helping me up to my feet. Without letting me go, he pulls me along with him as we slide under the ropes. He dashes up the ramp with me on his heels. The second we are out of site of the audience, he stops running and pushes a hand through his hair.

"What were you thinking? Do you know how much trouble you could get in? Fans aren't supposed to get involved like that! Are you even aware of the reason we have security in the first place?"

"I... I...." I stammer my words as I try desperately to catch my breath. I quickly catch a tear with the back of my hand just as it rolls down my cheek. Instantly the look on his face softens. 

"Wait, don't cry. I'm sorry. It just caused a really big panic back here, you know? You scared us. Something very could have happened." He awkwardly rests a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it lightly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm.... fine.." 

"What happened?" 

I step back a bit, taking a minute to calm my shaky voice before I continue. 

"Someone beside me tried to get too close to Roman. She pushed me and I smacked into him and... I don't know.. he just grabbed me and dragged me down to the ring."

"I see. They must have thought that was supposed to happen."

"I'm so sorry..." His eyes squint in the briefest of small smiles.

"Don't feel bad, it was an honest mistake."

"I've caused so much trouble.."

"No no. C'mon. I'll go with you and we can let H know it was all an accident. You won't get in trouble. I didn't catch your name?"

"It's _____."

"That's a pretty name. I'm Wade." He flashes me a charming smile and I return it briefly, despite my still shaken mind.

"I-I know. I'm.. kind of a huge fan of yours." I look down at the ground, trying to hide my cheeks that I'm sure are tinged pink. 

"Well then, I feel honoured to have such a pretty fan. Come on, let's go find H."

I shrink under the curious gazes of everyone backstage as we wind our way between everyone. Soon enough we find Hunter and Wade explains everything. I hang back, only nodding in response. Occasionally I shift nervously as Hunter glances in my direction.

"Well. Good thing I happened to be watching. This could have been a disaster."

"I'm so so sorry." I hang my hand in shame and Hunter roughly claps a hand on my back, causing me to jump.

"It's a live show, accidents happen. Just glad no one got hurt." He smiles like a true businessmen and excuses himself, leaving me standing there with Wade. He nudges me gently with his elbow and gives me a sort of "I told you so" look.

"Really, I'm really am sorry." I apologize again and Wade's lips pulled into a wry smile.

"You apologize a lot, don't you?"


"Nope." He quickly cuts me off my placing a hand over my mouth. My heart nearly back-flips at the sudden move as my eyes open wide in shock. 
"How about instead of apologizing, you thank me for saving you by accompanying me to dinner? I'm famished. You from around here, yeah?"
I slowly nod, eyes still wide.
"Good, you can show me where the best place is to get a proper meal." I feel like my heart is racing a mile a minute. Is this really happening? I nod happily, maybe a little too enthusiastically. 

"Good, so where do yo-"

"Yo." Wade was cut off by a gruff voice. Approaching us was the trio of Dean, Seth, and Roman. 

"Yeah, the hell were you thinking out there?" Wade cuts Dean off immediately and the three of them exchange looks. They look like scolded puppies. 
"Well?" Wade demands.

"Uh... sorry about... yeah." Roman offers, scratching the back of his head. Seth and Dean nod in response. Wade, clearly not satisfied crosses his arms.
"Is that all? You nearly gave her a heart attack." 

Dean rolls his eyes and looks to Seth he shakes his head and steps back with his hands up. Dean then looks to Roman who shrugs and pushes him forward. Dean stumbles forward and looks to me with an exasperated sigh.
"And I'm sorry too." He grumbles. Wade narrows his eyes.  

"Tch. You three are useless. No more attacking fans, alright? I seriously doubt Hunter will let you off next time. Off you go." They shake their heads again and lumber away.
"Was your fault..." Dean grumbles to Roman, shoving him. Roman shoves him back in response. 
"How was it my fault?" 
"Guys..." I hear Seth's voice whine.

"Wow. You just told them off." I muse as I stare after them in awe.

"Yeah well." Wade smiles cheekily. "Shall we go?"

"Okay." I smile shyly as he links his arm with mine. 

"How do these things happen to me?" I ask myself yet again.

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