Chapter 1

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1 month later

Solmee jolted upright, forcefully brought out of her slumber by the sound of shattering glass. Scanning the room for her intruder she wrapped a hand around the gun under her pillow. Relieved she let go of the weapon and slipped her hand back out. A fluffy orange cat hopped on top of the dresser.

"How the hell did you get in here?" She frowned, kicking off the garish floral printed blanket and moving straight for the door, avoiding stepping on the smashed vase and sad looking flowers in the process. 

She tried the handle. Locked.

She headed to the bathroom, finding the window slightly ajar. Stretching on the tips of her toes she yawned, pushing it shut. 

Her furry intruder purred, loud and demanding but she had nothing to give it. She didn't even have any food for herself- the grumbling of her stomach being a reminder of that.

"Come on furball. Get out. I don't want you."

She had managed to coax the cat to the door, and nudged it out with her foot, pushing it across the threshold and into the outside.

As the cat protested she shut the door and firmly locked it, ignoring the scratching as it wailed to be let back in.

Solmee glanced at the digital clock in her apartment. It was outdated much like the rest of her furniture. She wasn't sure when it had stopped working but she was pretty sure it was not 1:35 because otherwise she would have missed half her shift, and be horrendously reprimanded.

Reaching for her handphone she was reassured by the fact that she'd received no calls from her workplace, and also by the fact that the time actually read 5:16am.

Which meant she had just under 45 minutes to get dressed and eat.

It was a pity that Yeonho snack bar wasn't open so early,  she was really craving their Tteokbeokki. Instead, Solmee would have to settle with coffee and a protein bar from a vending machine. She quickly got dressed and headed to the hospital on an empty stomach.


Solmee was thankful for her shift at the hospital to finally be over. It had been a boring day full of minor accidents, mostly drunken spats and stupid people. Nothing substantial that warranted any exciting surgeries. 

She couldn't wait to get back to Geumga plaza, get the tteokbeokki she had been longing for all day and get her beauty sleep.

Sadly she lost her appetite completely when she returned. 

"Oh Miss Kim, have you finished work?" Mr Cho waves at her as he spots her, and the man beside him turns around. He's decked out head to toe in designer labels, hair slicked back in a sleek style. 

Solmee had been prepared to say something to Mr Cho but her words had gotten lost and all she can do is blink and stare.

"This is a friend of mine, Vincenzo Cassano."

Solmee, knew who he was. He was her goddamn brother.

If Mr Cho was a friend of his then he probably already knew that. Angry, Solmee felt cheated, the dodgy email conveniently appearing to her made sense now- Vincenzo had organised it so that she could live there.

But why? So he could keep spying on her? So he could start actually acting like he was a brother helping out his little sister?

Her stare turns into a glare.

Anger burns through her whole being as he walks towards her.

He walks right past her without so much as a glance at her.

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