Chapter 24

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"I love you." Han Seok said, wrapping his arms around her when he walked in the room, seeing her stood in front of the mirror observing her slightly bloated belly. His fingertips trace the pattern of her tattoo.

She still didn't look pregnant. A little bloated yes, but not large enough to be obviously pregnant.

He had been saying I love you so often lately that maybe she had started to believe it just a little bit.

Usually when he said it there would be a back and forth of 'no you don't',' yes I do.'

Today she just rolled her eyes and smiled.

"When are you going to say it back." He sighed.

"Hmm" She ponders. "When I can say it and mean it?'

"I'll make you fall in love with me. Just you wait."

"I'll be waiting." She replies with a teasing smile.

Was it foolish of her to give him the benefit of the doubt? To open her heart to him?

The realization that she might have already started to do so was quite startling. She loved Han Seo still, because he had been for her when no one else had, he had seen her at her worst and helped her get through her drug addiction. He had brought laughter and smiles back into her life, and been a light in a time of darkness, a friend and family when she had neither, so she would always love him for that.

But maybe she was starting to love the father of her baby too. He hadn't shied away from her, he hadn't been afraid or disgraced of her darkness and lately he had been trying, doing his best to keep her happy. She would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the sweet words and soft touches and gentle kisses and the musings he had of what their child would grow up to be like when he held her in his arms at night. Even if they might've only been performative.

"I was thinking about the wedding." She says.

"What about it?"

"Well who are we supposed to invite? We both have a habit of killing our friends and family. The guest list would be pretty small."

"You're right."

He thinks for a moment. "Lets just do the photoshoot and then elope? We'll skip the ceremonies and go straight to the registry office."

She nods in agreement. "I like the sound of that."


Solmee was currently at the bridal shop, trying on one of the many dresses the assistant had recommended. Han Seok had brought her, but she'd sent him away because she was getting annoyed, because she didn't like the look of any of the dresses she had tried on, and he wasn't being helpful telling her every single dress looked beautiful on her and she should just wear any.

She had told him to go buy himself some suits, she wanted to surprise him with the dress she would actually pick.

She heads back to the dressing room to change out of the ball gown she was currently in. It made her look like a Disney princess, too glittery for her taste. As she picked up the skirts to walk properly she could see particles of glitter flying around her in the air. 

Her old habits were not so easy to forget, and at the sight of a sudden figure sneaking into the dressing room she grabs the hair pin from the accessories laid out in front of her and spins, pinning the person to the wall with a sharp point at their throat.

Once she realises who it is, Solmee relaxes and places the hair pin back on the tray of accessories. 

"Han Seo." She sighs in relief. "It's just you."

She wondered why he had snuck into the wedding shop to see her. Maybe to dissuade her? A small distant part of her hoped.

Solmee turns her back to him. "Since you're here unzip me." 

He nods and approaches, carefully pulling the small zip down. Solmee shivers as his knuckles brush along her bare back. 

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