Chapter 25

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Han Seok paced back and forth outside of the operating theatre and remained restless still, when the surgery was over and an unconscious Solmee was transferred to the private room he had paid for.

He keeps his hand wrapped around hers, trying to warm hers with his because her hands were freezing. As he lifts her hand to his mouth to press a kiss there he stops, she was wearing the ring.

His mother's ring.

Traces of Solmee's blood had dirtied it, dried into the crevices, a reminder of what he had done.

"I'm sorry Solmee."

"Please wake up."

His phone started to ring, he glanced at the caller id, Han Seo.

He started to get angry but also a little panicked. Why was Han Seo calling? Had he somehow found out what happened?

No he wouldn't have, if he had he wouldn't have bothered to call, he would come straight for Solmee. It was probably something Babel related.

He exits the room to take the call.

Not long after he did leave, Solmee started to stir and wake up. 

She had been sedated heavily so she was still drowsy, but now her pain medication was starting to wear off, bringing her discomfort, pain and soreness.

As she started to rouse the doctor came to check on her.

"Awake already." She smiled at Solmee. "You've just had major surgery, rest." She nudges Solmee, who had being trying to sit up- back down into the bed gently.

Solmee's eyes flitted around in panic, and when she realised there was just her and the doctor "My baby, what happened to my baby?" Teary eyed she touches her abdomen, not prepared to hear the worst.

"You're lucky Solmee, seriously. Its basically a miracle, but i guess your baby is just as stubborn as you are."

"You mean...."

The obstetrician nods, even smiles. "You didn't lose the baby."

Hearing those words did offer her aching heart some relief.

Her baby, her little gummy bear was a strong one, despite the trauma and the internal bleeding her baby had held on. 

The knife wound, thankfully hadn't been deep, if it had been, and if it had been any lower then it would be a different story.

"You must be very careful from now on though Solmee, do not put anymore stress on yourself or the baby. "

"You can't tell anyone." She makes the Doctor promise. The woman's name was Daeun and when they were younger, she had also worked at that god awful bar Solmee had. Solmee hadn't done many good deeds in her life, but one of them had been to help Daeun get out of there. 

Solmee sent Daeun a large packet of money collected from a few of her jobs for Choi Myunghee, so the girl didn't have to rely on those creeps at the bar to pay for her college tuition.

They had both walked different paths after that, Daeun had done well, went to med school gotten married, had 2 kids. Fate had made their two paths cross today so Daeun could pay back her favour.

She was more than willing to help Solmee, and she also held no loyalty towards Babel, although she hadn't been close to him, her uncle had died during the explosion at the villa.

"Put it in my records that my baby died."

She gives Solmee an understanding look and nods. 

"If you need a place to lay low Solmee, I have this holiday home, it's nice and quiet, away from the city, good for the baby. Safe. I can get you the address and keys. I'll drive up and meet up every so often to check on you both, bring you anything you need."

Solmee gives the woman a grateful smile. "Thank you, but there's something I need to do first before I leave."

Solmee pretends to be asleep when Jang Han Seok re enters the room. He takes a seat opposite her bed again and brushes her hair from her face. He takes her hand again.

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