Chapter 6

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Solmee had always thought the Wusang building was an ugly looking building. Today, as she stared up at it, about to enter it's doors; she thought it was especially uglier. Flipping her hair over her shoulder she heads inside.

The interior was just as ugly.

"Can I help you miss?" A short women with hair wrapped in a tight Chignon asks, as Solmee approaches the front desk.

"I have an appointment with Choi Myunghee."

The woman behind the counter nods, picking up the telephone. "Miss Choi, she's arrived."

They had been expecting her.

Solmee hated that the woman knew she would come.

Another person, or another of Choi Myunghee's puppets rather, approaches her. "This way please Miss."

Solmee purses her lips and follows. She follows them past the waiting room, past the lounge and to the elevator. They are silent the whole time, as they press the button waiting for the elevator and then press the button again and wait whilst it takes them to a higher floor.
They stare until Solmee catches them staring and then they hurriedly look away.

The elevator pings open and the puppet does not follow, they speak for the first time. "End of the hall."

Solmee steps out of the elevator alone.

Unease started to settle upon her but she refused to show it, plastering a grin on her face and hoping her lipstick was the perfect shade of red to make her look ferocious. She had chosen a deep blood red colour. She had also chosen matching heels.

She continues with confident bravado, heels clicking loud against the ceramic floor tiles, all the way down the hall to the office doors which were closed shut.

She  forgets her smile as she sucked in a breath, turned the handle and pushed.

"There's my favourite girl." Then a pause. "You've gotten skinnier."

Choi Myunghee looked up at her, seated behind her desk as Solmee entered the small space. The woman's gleaming grin was just as grating on her nerves as her voice which no matter whatever mood she was in, always came out of her mouth with a shrill intonation that made your ears uncomfortable.

"You've gotten more wrinkles." Solmee retorts childishly, gingerly picking up an antique hand mirror from a shelf of collectibles and examining her appearance. She didn't often like to wear make up, but the war paint was necessary for this meeting, no flaws, no cracks. She scrutinised her features in the mirror once more; a calm and collected mask, well that was a start. Solmee fixes the curls framing her face.

Myunghee's grin grew and she ran her fingers through her ratty ponytail. Her soulless blackish brown eyes fixed on Solmee as if her façade would start to peel away and crack if she lingered on her long enough. She had no doubt that eventually it would. Then Myunghee stretched back, swinging on the back legs of her chair, hands hitting the table with a loud smack as she pulled herself to her feet and walked over to the couch.

Solmee didn't allow herself to flinch.

"Drink?" She asked, pouring two glasses of an amber liquid from a pitcher without even waiting for an answer. 

"I'm not thirsty."

Myunghee rolls her eyes.

"Don't just stand there, take a seat." She waves a hand, ushering to the empty space on the sofa.

"No thanks, I'm not staying long."

Choi Myunghee, picks up her glass and sips from it.

"You're acting out because of what I made you do to your foster father aren't you?" She clucks her tongue like she was scolding a child, "Stop holding silly grudges."

Solmee shakes her head. "Hold a grudge? I don't hold my grudges. I cradle them I coddle them, I feed them, I teach them- I nurture my grudges until they're fully grown and then I let them out into the world."

Myunghee smiles in amusement. "To me you're like a little yapping Chihuahua when you're trying to be intimidating." She finishes her drink and then picks up the glass meant for Solmee. "Save it for your next job."

Solmee scowls at the woman. "I thought you'd heard, I quit and changed occupations."

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