Chapter 17

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Guilt for lying to Han Seo continued to eat at her for the rest of the evening, leaving a feeling of discomfort in her stomach. Paired with the sickness from pregnancy, it was insufferable. 

In the end she couldn't stand it so she had called him to come see her. It made her feel worse that he had come right away.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, hands touching her lightly as he observed her to make sure she was. She wasn't really. She wasn't sure how he would react to her decision to keep the baby.
What if he stopped loving her, what if he started hating her, what if he never wanted to see her again, the thoughts in her mind were catastrophising, telling her all the worst what if's.

Han Seo leads Solmee to the couch. Robotically she follows him as she tries to plan what she was going to say in her head.

 "Han Seo.." She turns her knees and torso and then eventually her face to him, nervously biting her lip. In a small voice she speaks. "I didn't go through with the termination."

Han Seo is silent. He waits for her to continue, sensing she had more to say.

"I think..I think I want this baby." Her hand pats her abdomen before resting there.

"I thought about it and I thought maybe this baby is my chance to be a better person, be a good person."

Maybe she would learn from this baby how to love someone properly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you might not love me anymore if I told you I wanted to keep it." She mumbled.

"That's not how it works." He couldn't stop loving her as easily as that.

Solmee purses her lips and nods.

"So do you?" Her fingers pluck at the hem of her fleecy sweater.

"Do I what?"

"Do you still love me?"

"It's hard for me not to love you." He replies honestly.

A faint brush creeps along her cheeks and she smiles. She was relieved, happy that his feelings hadn't changed.

"My brother..does he know?" He hated having to ask it, knowing it would ruin her mood, but he needed to know if Han Seok knew about the baby.

"He still doesn't need to know. He doesn't ever have to know." She says firmly.

"What about when the baby becomes more noticeable?"

Solmee sighs, "Hopefully by then i'll be long gone."

"You're leaving? Where to?" The thought of her leaving brought a sudden stabbing disappointment to his gut.

Solmee sighs again with a shrug. "I don't know, maybe we can move to Jeju and we can live by the beach. You always said how much you liked the ocean. I could always find a new job at a hospital there or open my own little pottery shop or something. Oh, maybe I should take cooking classes since we're both not great cooks, we can't give the baby takeout and I don't want to get a nanny." Solmee mused. She couldn't help getting ahead of herself and continued to ramble on about a life in Jeju.

We. Han Seo had realised that throughout her plan she had kept on saying it.

She realised mid ramble that Han Seo had gone silent again. 

He wasn't silent for the reason she was thinking, but instead was silent because he was surprised and quite touched that in this little dreamscape plan of hers she had included him. She wanted him to be a part of her life, a part of her baby's life too.

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