Chapter 33

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Since the reappearance of her father and the death of her mother, the nightmares Solmee thought she had finally gotten rid off had come back to her with a vengeance.

These nightmares were different though, because they were more than just nightmares. When her mind's defences fell during slumber, snapshots of her father, of all the horrid things she'd witnessed him do as a child came back to her, and trapped inside her head she couldn't help but be forced to live through all the memories she had thought had been erased from her mind.

She would wake up in a cold sweat, heart pounding, ears ringing and eyes damp with tears.

Han Seok had asked her about her nightmares, but Solmee didn't go into any detail just wiping her eyes, heading to the bathroom to wash up and acting as if nothing had happened. 

Since she didn't want to divulge he decided not to press any further, he had a good idea what they were about -or who rather -  from her mutterings during her sleep. Her father. The sooner they killed him so she could sleep soundly again the better.

But there was someone on the list before him that they had to get rid of first.

Wusang's Han Seung Hyeok.

Han Seung Hyeok had been the easiest kill. Their plan to kill him hadn't needed any extra thought, no dramatic flair, no elaborate schemes-he wasn't worth giving all that. 

There had been a time when it had been decided to spare him, because he had almost convinced them that he was on their side. But really he had been trying to keep both teams happy because he was scared both sides would deem him no longer usefull and get rid of him. Permanently.

Han Seok had been the one to kill him, the deciding factor of it being that he knew Han Seung Hyeok was the one who had put it into Han Seo's head to shoot him. He still held a grudge over that. He hadn't used his own hands to kill him because he wasn't worthy of that much effort. He used Wusang's methods against him; often they had joked about being contract killers so it was befitting that in the end Han Seung Hyeok had been killed by one. And a gunshot to the head was perfect considering he had wanted Han Seok to be killed by gun. It was poetic justice really, eye for an eye or whatever you wanted to call it.

He hadn't seen it coming, one moment he was stood on the stairs outside of the justice court and then the next, his blood and brains were sprayed on the concrete and the people that had been stood next to him.

The flash of cameras and screams captured it, but they did not capture the black tinted vehicle rolling away after finishing the job.

This wasn't just a message for Choi myunghee, but a warning to the other employees of wusang. This could be you too, if you stay at Choi Myunghee's side.

The employees valued their life more than the money Choi Myunghee had promised them, so by the morning that very next day, the majority of them had already skipped town, driving to their holiday homes, suddenly deciding to take a vacation somewhere and book a flight.

To get rid of ants you usually killed the queen, but since they wanted to make the queen suffer it was better to get rid of the ants first so that she were left helpless and isolated.

Now that they had gotten rid of Wusang, the only person left on her side was their father.

"We need to turn him against her." Vincenzo had announced to the group, Solmee nodded thinking along the same lines as him. They needed to separate the two somehow.

"How?" Chayoung asks. "She got him out of jail so she has that leverage over  him."

Solmee shakes her head. "She thinks she has leverage over him. I know my father best, I know what happens inside his twisted mind, what he thinks, why he thinks that way. As soon as she had that cell unlocked he could have killed her and be done with her. She's alive because she's promised him something."

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