Chapter 18

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After Han Seok had left, Solmee was left feeling emotionally drained and a little disappointed.

Did he really not care about the baby?

But then he'd never really seemed to care about his family unless they were useful to him in someway, so it should have been unsurprising. 

Han Seo was just someone to keep around as a scapegoat for Babel, and she supposed she was just a bit of entertainment, and another way to toy with Han Seo.

If that was the case though, why had he changed his mind about killing her? He had come to her apartment with the clear intent to do so and yet he had hesitated, turned around and then left.

"Jang Han Seok, maybe you aren't so heartless afterall." She murmured, picking up the kitchen knife and returning it to it's original place in the kitchen.

Solmee spent the next few hours, trying to find out as much information about Wang Shaolin, and the guillotine file.

She had first heard of the guillotine file, from her foster father Dr Kang. The name had cropped up during a conversation with a friend of his. She hadn't really paid attention to it at the time regrettably, so she had no idea just how much importance the file held not until the name had started to crop up again recently.

She'd learned from Han Seo who had been told by Han Seung-Hyeok that the guillotine file was a collection of the dirty dealings and secrets of everyone important, politicians, police officers, business men. Solmee had expected the file to be something big, and had originally tried to find out about it and maybe even use it for her own personal gain, thinking that this would be the way to get rid of Choi Myunghee for good.

But now she thought about taking it so she could destroy the information about herself and Han Seo's family that he didn't want anyone to find out.

Looking for leads Solmee had spent hours looking through Dr Kang's files, emails, anything she had managed to find.

She learned that Wang Shaolin was a big part of the criminal underworld; and that sort of thing was her brothers forte. If anyone would know about the circumstances of the mans death, and his secrets, Vincenzo was probably the best person to ask, since he'd probably heard whispers.

She couldn't call him directly, her pettiness wouldn't let her admit she needed him for something so instead she had used Chayoung as a proxy, calling her instead and telling her to tell Vincenzo she wanted to meet him the next day.

Not wanting a repeat of her life being threatened, she had Chayoung pass on the message to be discreet. 

Instead of obviously walking into her office at the hospital, Solmee had given Vincenzo the passcode to one of the stockroom telling him to meet her there.

When she slipped through the door Solmee had found him reading the ingredients list on a box of medication.

"Don't touch anything" She hisses, glaring until he returns it to it's original place.

"Chayoung said you needed my help."

Solmee couldn't stay in the stockroom for too long, so she gets straight to the point.

"What do you know about the guillotine file?"

Vincenzo's eyes widen and he coughs.  "You've heard about it?"

"Of course I have, lots of people want it and yet no one knows where it is."

Solmee's eyes narrow at her brother's shifty expression. "No one knows where it is but you do don't you?"

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