Chapter 11

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Solmee had had a restless night, and so she was the first one to wake. Shortly after, was Han Seo, who spent an exceedingly long amount of time in the bathroom, trying to fix his appearance. When he joined Solmee in the kitchen, his hair was washed and down covering his forehead, free of any hair clips and he had managed to remove all of Mi Na Ri's fairy stickers from his face.

"You don't wear your glasses anymore?"

Han Seo shook his head. "I got lasik eye surgery."

Solme frowns. "Pity, I always thought you looked handsome with glasses." She admits.

Han Seo's eyes widen and his ears blush. "Really?"

She nods. "I like your hair like this too." She says, absentmindedly brushing her fingertips through his hair.

"Do yo have CEO stuff to do today? I was thinking if you have any free time we could take Na Ri out to do something fun." Solmee says with a smile as she hands Han Seo a cup of coffee.

He accepts the coffee, staring into his cup with a pensive expression.

"Solmee, can you be honest with me?" he asks, his tone serious. 

She tenses, chews her lip but nods.

"I heard you come back yesterday and then I heard you go back out..." He sips his coffee.

"Then later when you came back I went to check on you to see if you were sleeping and you were crying in your sleep, you told me before that that only happens when..." He pauses, setting the mug down on the counter, trying to be careful with his words.

"Na Ri's brother.....he's not going to come back is he?"

Solmee inhaled deeply and turned away from him. 

She forgot sometimes just how perceptive of things Han Seo was.

She gave a small shake of her head and couldn't help but feel like she had disappointed him and  needed to apologise and promise to do better, to promise it wouldn't happen again.

It was a promise she could not make.

Han Seo gives Solmee a difficult look. "Solmee, you know you can't keep her."

Solmee purses her lip and sulks, but she knew he was right.

 It wouldn't work anyways, with her terrible schedule at the hospital and the work she did for Choi Myunghee, Mi Na Ri wouldn't have anyone to look after or play with her. And when she thought about it logically, people would eventually notice Mi Na Ri's brother had gone missing, and she couldn't have anything trace back to her, that would just be opening a can of worms. 

But she couldn't just hand Mi Na Ri over to child services. Her own experience in the system had been far from friendly and she didn't want sweet little Na Ri to go through that.

Luckily Han Seo had thought ahead.

"Na Ri said she had an aunt in Japan. She said her mother had a fight with her and she hasn't seen her in over a year, but Na Ri said she liked her aunt, that she was always very kind. I had some people look into her and she's a good person, she's done charity work, she get's along with her neighbours, works at a nursery so it's not full time and she has no children of her own so Na Ri will get all her attention, I gave her a call and talked to her about Na Ri, she'll be here in a few hours to pick her up and take her to Japan."

"Na Ri will be happy with her?"

Han Seo nodded. "She seems excited about going to Japan."

He noticed that Solmee seemed a little sad about it. "Have you ever been to Japan? Shall I take you after this Babel lawsuit is over? We could go to visit Na Ri?"

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