Chapter 2

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Solmee was absolutely wasted.

Her cheek, would not lift from the table and she was un-elegantly drooling.

An almost as drunk Chayoung, unhelpfully was taking pictures for later revenge, whilst Jun Woo tried to rouse her and get her to sip some bottled water.

Since Chayoung was significantly less drunk than Solmee, she easily called herself a taxi and climbed in. She knew how difficult it was to get Solmee home when Solmee was drunk, so to save herself from the struggle, she imparted the role on Jun Woo.

"Jun Woo, get her home safely~~" She sang, a devilish smile on her face as she hopped into her taxi and hurriedly left before he could decline.

"Sure thing Sunbae." Jun Woo said to the retreating car with a sigh.

He looked over at Solmee who had slid from the chair to the floor.

"Solmee, you can't sit on the street." He tries to pull her up but she is adamant on not moving, instead progressing from sitting on the floor to laying there. She does not cooperate as he pulls her arms to try get her to stand.

"I'm not going-" She whined like a child. "I'm not getting in the taxi."

She refused to use her feet so he had no choice but to sling her over his shoulder and carry her into the taxi. In such a state he couldn't just leave her like that, and Chayoung had asked him to bring her back safely, so he gets into the taxi too and tells the taxi driver her address. 

Really, she was lucky he knew it.

That was not the last of his troubles to get her home though. 

"Your passcode."

"My what?"

"The door, you can't get in without a passcode." 

"Oh. Oh right. Let me think." Her face scrunched up as if she really was trying hard to think. Then she turned to Jun Woo with round eyes.

"I don't remember it."

"You have it saved in your phone don't you?" 

Solmee thought for a minute before springing into reaction. "I do." She takes her phone out of her pocket and unlocks it, tapping away and squinting.

She blinks and hands her phone to him. "My eyes are blurry, put the code in the door for me."

He takes the phone, seeing the text message with her address and keycode. He notices she has the contact saved as 'Mr Babel Chairman 👶' He chuckled at her perfectly accurate use of emoji.

Solmee is too drunk to notice him scrolling through the rest of her messages.

They were mostly texts asking Solmee out for breakfast or coffee or lunch or dinner, and Solmee had only replied to one saying she was at work and busy, and she couldn't cancel a brain surgery like he could with a meeting.

Then there was a message from the Babel chairman full of angry emojis complaining about her not picking up his calls, that she was a terrible friend and threatening to kick her out of his house if she didn't pick up the next time.  

She had responded to the message with saying she hadn't been able to pick up his call because earlier her hands were quite literally full, holding a persons guts and then asked him if he wanted pictures as proof. 

With a curious look through her texts to Chayoung, Jun Woo saw that she actually did have proof, infact there was a rather unsettling amount of bodies cut open and exposed organs, and selfies of her scrubs covered in blood that she had sent to the other woman.

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