Chapter 16

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Shock causes her to become very still. 

She was pregnant.

This...This wasn't supposed to happen, this was going to ruin everything.

It took  a while for the magnitude of it to sink in.

When it does, her hands start to shake.

The stick fell to the floor with a clatter, as her trembling fingers let go of it. Solmee sat there for a moment before reaching for her phone. She opened up her contact list and for a while stared at it. Who was she thinking of calling? Who could she call?

She couldn't call Han Seok. How was she supposed to tell him she was pregnant with his baby? What if he didn't want it? What if she didn't want it but he did?

She couldn't call Chayoung because she knew the woman and her big mouth would end up telling Vincenzo. Vincenzo couldn't know, he didn't deserve to know.

She couldn't call Han Seo, after he'd told her he loved her how could she tell him she was pregnant and his brother was the father?

She really didn't have anyone to call and confide in.

But she really didn't want to deal with this alone.

Before realising it she was calling him.

"Solmee, sorry I just got out of a meeting." It was odd for her to call him, in fact now that he thought about it, he could count on one hand the number of times she'd called him first. He'd usually always been the one to call or text first. "Is everything all right?"

Nothing was alright. This was terribly horribly wrong. As much as she tried to compose herself she just couldn't, hiccupping and sniffling as she replied. "Han Seo, I didn't know who else to call so I called you."

She hiccupped again, unable to control her sobs.

"Is everything alright? Are you hurt? Did my brother hurt you?" Panicked thoughts race through his mind and he hurries to his car.

"What am I supposed to do?" She sobbed, shoulders shaking.

"Just tell me where you are." He replied, urgent and panicked.

Within moments he arrived at her place, searching her apartment for her, until he found her sitting on the bathroom floor.

She was staring at a pregnancy test in her hand. He crouches down beside her and glances at it with wide eyes. She was pregnant?

"'s positive?"

With a trembling lip she nodded, scared to look at him.

"Are you sure? Sometimes those things aren't right are they?"

"I made sure," She said quietly, and he followed her gaze over to a pile of discarded tests, all with the same result.

"What do I do now?" Tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes. Her crying had become hysterical, interrupted by intervals of gasping pants as she tried to breathe. 

He squeezes her hand, pushing back his own complicated feelings to help her get through hers. His hands move to her shoulders, stroking up and down her arms to try and soothe her panic. 

"Solmee, Solmee look at me."

"Solmee, look at me." He says again softer, hands holding her face. Her tears dampen her fingertips, but slowly, eventually her shaking is subdued and she begins to breathe more evenly.

He brushes her tears with his thumb.

 "What do you want to do Solmee?"

She inhales deeply, eyes closing for a long while as she tries to think. Then she opens them with a hardened resolve.

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