Chapter 26

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Han Seo had fallen asleep with Solmee in his arms, and then woke to find his arms empty, when Vincenzo returned to the apartment later that night. The door opening had woken him.

"Where is she?" Vincenzo asked, a frown on his face as he searched the apartment. He couldn't find Solmee anywhere.

"I..She was right here, she fell asleep I.." Han Seo ran his hands through his hair and pulled out his phone. He dialled Solmee's number and it went straight to voicemail.

He tried again and again but she wouldn't pick up. Vincenzo tried too but ended up with the same result.

Han Seo's heartbeat picked up, starting to race as he began to panic.

What if his brother had got to her? Or what if..what if she had gone back to him?

She wouldn't have would she? Not after what he had done to her.

He sees his panicked expression mirrored on Vincenzo's features for a fraction of a moment before they turn calculating.

"Find out if she's with Han Seok." Vincenzo instructs.

Han Seo nods immediately. They had to find her.

Han Seok, had returned to the hospital to find Solmee no longer there.

"Where is my wife?" Maybe she had been moved, though knowing how Solmee was it was unlikely. He'd paid for that private room too and planted someone to watch over her, so if she had been moved then he should have been informed.

The doctor grabs a tablet, checking through it.

"Ah, Kim Solmee? She was discharged a little while ago." No one had informed him if Solmee being discharged. Maybe she'd realised he'd planted a spy and got rid of them.

His jaw ticked angrily.

"You just let her leave by herself after she's had surgery? Without informing any guardian of hers?" He grabs the doctors arm as they try to walk away with a little bit too much force.  The doctors eyes widen, and he has to remind himself to not cause a scene as much as he wanted to right now. Causing a scene wouldn't help any of his matters. He was still on thin 8cw with the prosecution and if he acted up the doctors could easily call hospital security to throw him out- he'd get no answers then.

He releases the doctor's arm.

"Solmee said you were waiting in the parking lot in the car for her, we had no idea she left without you or anyone."

He huffs angrily and grabs his phone, checking the tracking app he had installed. He'd made sure she was still wearing the watch before he had left since he'd had a feeling she might try something. The signal led him to the hospital parking lot, where he found the watch discarded in the corner.

He gritted his teeth.

She'd either been taken or she didn't want to be found, and he had a feeling it was the latter from what information the doctor had gave him.

To rule out his options, he had next searched for Han Seo, who had returned to his own apartment thinking maybe Solmee might be there.

"Where is she?"

He had no time to waste, approaching Han Seo and grabbing his shirt in his fist roughly. If anyone would know of her whereabouts, it would be Han Seo.

"Where is my wife Han Seo?" He growls.

"I...I..don't know." He coughs as Han Seok pulls, squeezing the shirt tighter around his throat.

"I don't know where she is either...I've tried calling but she won't answer."

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