Chapter 20

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Solmee hadn't really expected Han Seok to turn up to the appointment, but still she couldn't help but feel angry over the fact that she was sat in the waiting room alone. 

She stared around at the other women who had come, all in various stages of pregnancy. All of the mothers to be were accompanied by someone, a mother, a sister, a friend, a lover. 

And here she was with no one.

She could have called Han Seo or her brother, or even Han Seok himself but her stubbornness didn't allow her to. So she sat alone, distracting herself by reading the posters on the bulletin board whilst she waited to hear her name be called.

A hand clamping down on her bouncing knee startled her and she blinked rapidly about to fight when she turned to see who it was that had just slipped into the seat beside her and touched her.

"Why are you here?"

"It's my child why shouldn't I be here?"

Solmee folds her arms over her chest and turns away after giving him a defiant glare.

"I didn't think you'd actually come."

Han Seok laughed, raising an eyebrow. "Ah really , is that why you're still wearing the watch?" He taps the clockface on the watch with a laugh, "So I could find out where you were?" 

He winks and leans in."If I didn't know better I'd think you wore it because you wanted me here."

"It's a pretty watch." She retorts, turning her body away from him.

But he'd seen right through her.

"Miss Kim Solmee?" The nurse appears from around the corner reading the name off of a tablet.

Solmee meets eyes with the smiling woman in pink scrubs and raises from her seat, Han Seok follows.

"How are you feeling, nervous?" The nurse asks making small talk as she walks the two to the examination room. 

"Hospitals don't make me nervous, i'm a surgeon. Places like this are like my playground." 

The nurse nods. Trying a different angle she turns to Han Seok and smiles. "You must be baby's dad?"

Hearing that said out loud still brought Solmee a shred of discomfort. He notices and grins, making it worse by grabbing her hand. "I am."

When the nurse turns to pull the door open Solmee gives Han Seok dagger eyes, trying to pry her hand free from his grip but he tightened his fingers around hers. He only let go once Solmee was given patient scrubs to change into for the examination. The nurse pulled the curtain around the examination bed to give Solmee privacy whilst she changed.

"Since this is the first check up there's a lot of stuff we need from you-"

"Medical history, date of my last period, estimated date of conception, pee and bloods right?"

The nurse nodded. "Oh um yes."

"When are you doing the scan?" Han Seok asks rather impatiently.

"Looks like you've got an eager daddy."

He flashes a charming smile at Solmee's unamused look. "I'm very excited."

"Once we've taken the bloods the doctor will be in to see you to do the scan."

The doctor was a middleaged woman with a slight greyish tinge to her hair. She had quite stern features compared to the friendlier looking nurse that had taken Solmee's bloods, but she had a surprisingly soft voice.

"Are you ready to take a look at baby?" After a nod from Solmee she positions the ultrasound wand.

The empty screen immediately comes to life, displaying a tiny little shape, and it was accompanied by a humming heartbeat.

Solmee's mouth parts in a surprised 'oh' shape and she gasps in awe. She felt quite emotional upon not just hearing her baby's heartbeat but seeing the tiny little shape on the monitor.

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