Chapter 34

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A/N: just a little heads up that this chapter is gonna be pretty gory and gruesome in some places.

Jang Han Seok was dead.

Well, they had to atleast act as if he was. And Solmee had to act the dreadful part of her fathers perfect little protégé and be the one to kill him.

She had anticipated he would get her to do it, as a show of loyalty to her father, proof that they really were on the same side, that she would choose him above all.

So before she planned to meet her father, Mr Nam had been given the large task of creating a magnificent but believable bloody scene. 

In advance they had taken blood from Han Seok to add to the crime scene later, so that the forensics would match his DNA for solid proof. They'd took a little bit each day from him so that by the time they executed the plan, there would be a big enough pool of blood that it would be believable he could not have survived his injuries.

And Solmee knew her father wouldn't be satisfied with something like pills in a glass of wine, he'd want something gory. So she brainstormed with Han Seok, and Vincenzo of how she would kill him. Stabbing would have been easy to fake, but stabbings were generally pretty survivable, and it wouldn't have satisfied their father. So, Mr Nam, who would be creating the effects make up for the plan suggested Solmee slit his throat.

"You can fake something like that?" She asked with intrigue.

Mr Nam had been confident he could, and rigged a small tubing with a fake blood and a fake latex skin pocket to wrap around Han Seok's neck that would be blended into his skin with makeup. 

And it had worked perfectly, her father had believed it without question, he'd not even checked the body himself because it had looked so real.

"You should leave now before anyone sees you here." Vincenzo tells Solmee and their father. "I'll deal with this."

He'd dealt with the clean up of bodies before in the Italian mafia, so he was quite efficient with it. (Really he was going to set up the scene with Han Seok's real blood before he called the cops that he'd bribed to spin the story they wanted and have them send word to Choi Myunghee.)

Solmee nodded, taking her father back to her apartment Han Seo had gave her, since it was too risky to bring him to Geumga Plaza.

Now that Han Seok had been taken out of the game, he could continue to make preparations in secret for the next phase of their plan. 

Solmee hated being in the same room as her father, but she had to pretend she was comfortable with him to avoid any raised suspicion. She'd convinced her father they needed to lay low, since Choi Myunghee would have people everywhere looking for them, so that meant no leaving the house for a few days. 

A few insufferable days where she had to deal with her dad being all nicey nice and domestic. 

Thankfully after 3 days Han Seok and Vincenzo had finished making the necessary moves on their end and whilst Solmee's father was watching tv and Solmee was busying herself with washing up the dishes in the kitchen-anything to not have to spend anymore bonding time with the man-she could have sworn she heard a faint sound of sirens in the distance that was getting louder.

And then, after several moments had passed, her apartment door was being rammed open. The police had arrived.

As soon as the police burst through the door, Solmee dropped to the floor, fake tears springing from her eyes. She trembled, feigning fear as they pointed their guns towards her father. "Hands up now!"

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