Chapter 10

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It was always cold in Geumga Plaza.

Vincenzo had realised that after spending enough time walking through it's halls, sat behind a desk in Jipuragi Law firm, with the instant coffee being the only thing to warm him.

But today it seemed especially chilly.

He knew this constant chill, the soul sucking sadness that swirled in his stomach and the guilt that ate into his chest cavity would follow him for the remainder of the day because it was that day.

He slips the golden lighter out of his trouser pocket and flick's the lid.

Flick. Flick. Flick.

He hated this date and month, every year for as long as he could remember the same feelings would creep up on him.

It was the anniversary of that day. 

He let out a heavy sigh and flicks his lighter again.

Flick. Flick. Flick.

He turns away from the laptop in front of him, facing the window, looking out at the grey dismal sky, staring off into space, losing his train of thought. Shapes started to appear in front of his vision, fuzzy puzzle pieces that were trying to slot together.

"Why are you so miserable." Chayoung pulls a face.

The mismatched puzzles of a memory shattered at the sound of her voice, that was loud and demanding and Vincenzo shook his head. He blinked turning to see Chayoung's red lipped pout peeking out from the top of his laptop screen.

Vincenzo couldn't find it in him to speak sarcasm, so instead he responded with a good measured snort. Flick. Flick. Flick. He slips the lighter back into his pocket.

He closed his eyes and sighed again.

Today was the anniversary of the day he and his sister had been separated. And ever since, every year on that day he always had felt a little off.

Today was that day.

She was unable to forget the date, like any other person was unable to intentionally forget their birthday.

This early the morning is windless, though there is still a slight chill to the air.

She shudders not because of the chill but because of anticipation.

Today was going to be different.

She makes her way down the street, dressed for the occasion. Hair tied in a pretty white ribbon, wearing a pretty white dress with a pretty floral pattern and pretty white buckled heels.

She hums prettily, swinging her purse.

She weaves through the street stalls, coming to a stop by a woman selling home grown apples.
She buys a shiny red one and bites into it humming again.

She makes short conversational chatter with the stall owners for a little while, then she turns around spotting a little girl in braids running around looking lost. She tilts her head and for a minute or so observes. 

She recognizes this girl.

A few weeks ago she remembered seeing this girl and her older brother in the hospital, visiting their frail looking mother who was admitted for chronic illness.

Then one day she had stopped seeing them-the mother had died.

The little girl was calling her brother's name.

Solmee's lip curled up into a frown, and her hands curled into fists.

To anyone unassuming they would have assumed the little thing had gotten herself lost, simply just wandered off whilst her parents shopped, but to those who knew, to those like Solmee, that teary eyed look the girl was sporting was all too familiar.


She walks around one of the market stalls, into the little girls oncoming direction, intentionally allowing the young girl to come to a stumbling stop against her legs. 

She catches the girl before she can fall and crouches down to her level. "Oops." She smiles, warm and trusting, the hint of a laugh in her voice and eyes.

"What's your name little thing?"

The girl sniffles and rubs her nose. Her eyes land on the pretty ribbon in Solmee's hair.

"M-Mi Na Ri."

"Such a pretty name." Solmee coos.

She lifts a finger and rubs a tear from the girls eye.

"Mi Na Ri, do you like ice cream?" She smiles.

Solmee spent the rest of the day trying to get the little girl to forget her sadness. She bought her ice cream, blueberry flavoured since it was the little girls favourite, then she took her to buy a pretty dress, buy some new dolls, she took her to the park and pushed her on the swings, higher and higher as Mi Na Ri squealed in delight.

No one had ever done these things for her, and she thought that every little girl should have someone do such things for them to make them happy, they were all normal thing parent did for their little girls. 

When it started to rain Solmee took Mi Na Ri back to her place, holding her hand and laughing as they ran frantically to the car.

She blow dried the girls hair, brushed it, tied it with a white ribbon like her own and sang to her- Mi Na Ri had said that her mother would sing to her all the time before she had become poorly; Solmee remembered her mother doing the same thing for her. It was the only thing Solmee remembered of her mother, the one song she had sung and she sings it for the girl.

But even after all that Mi Na Ri was still sad.

Mi Na Ri was still sad because she wanted her brother.

"You don't need your brother." Solmee said, convincing both the girl and herself.

"He's all i have left." Mi Na Ri's lip quivers.

Solmee decided she was going to fix things, she was going to make the little one happy.

"Na Ri, I'm going to go out for a bit." 

The little girl wrapped her little hands around Solmee's arm.

"Don't leave me on my own."

"I won't leave you alone." Solmee stroked the girls hair. "I promise."

Solmee picks her phone up and dials.

Han Seo turned up at her door 15 minutes later.

"There you are." Solmee grinned pulling him into her abode. "Han Seo, this is my friend Mi Na Ri."

Han Seo was flabbergasted at the small child sprawled out on the floor surrounded by dolls.

"Where did you get a child from?" he whispered.

"The market." Solmee shrugs.

Han Seo's eyes widened. "You stole someone's child from the market?"

"I didn't steal her, she has no parents. She was all on her own."

Han Seo turns to the small girl and she looks up at him with big round eyes.

Mi Na Ri had been quite the talker earlier, but now she had suddenly become shy. She hides behind Solmee, tugging on her arm. Solmee crouches down to let the girl whisper in her ear.

"He's handsome." Mi Na Ri whispers loudly.

Solmee winks at Han Seo before she replies with a loud whisper too.

 "I know."

"I have to go out for a work thing, you stay and play with Na Ri for am hour or so till i get back." She pats Han Seo's arm. "I have leftovers in the fridge so feed her and yourself with that."


Solmee leaves Han Seo no time to protest, grabbing her coat and shoes and picking up a sealed manila envelope before leaving immediately.


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