Chapter 19

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Solmee roused from unconsciousness to find herself in a run down warehouse, it was mostly empty inside, save from a few crates and some metal shelving. It stunk of bleach;  someone must have recently scrubbed the floors clean. It was pretty obvious to her then, what kind of business took place here, what the warehouses use was- many people had been tortured and died within these walls.

Solmee keeps calm and composed. She was different than the other people brought here, her odds compared to theirs were stacked rather well.

The flickering light above her head and the potent chemical smell made her feel nauseous. Her head pounded where she had been struck unconscious and as she tried to lift a hand to feel about the injury she came to realise that both her hands were bound together behind her back by a zip tie.

These people really lacked any creative flair. 

She had been left on the cold floor, and shifted uncomfortably as her bare legs made contact with it, causing a pattern of goosbumps to appear. Solmee tried to pull herself up to her feet, but with her hands tied behind her back, one foot wrapped in a heeled shoe and the other not, her balance was thrown off. A wave of nausea hit her as she tried to stand.

There was the press of a gun against the back of her head.

"Sit back down." 

She felt like she was about to vomit and thought about turning to face him just so that if she did she'd end up vomiting all over him.

The man stood behind her was the least kind of the three that had captured her, he was the one that had knocked her out cold. She supposed though that his impoliteness was probably something to do with the fact that she had stabbed his arm with her car keys and elbowed his cheekbone when he had tried to shove her in the back of a black suv.

Solmee had been smart to toss her phone away in the parking lot before they had whisked her away, one of the other two were searching through her purse for it; she couldn't see their features because of the black masks and caps they were using, but she could tell even in the dimly lit light that they were frustrated to find nothing useful. The way they threw the contents of her purse on to the ground with a tantrum kind of gave it away too. 

Her Chanel lipgloss, her bank card, her business card and her drivers license all one by one fell to the floor with a clatter. Then the purse itself was dropped.  

The guy behind her grabs her arm yanking her roughly to the floor. A pained hiss escapes her; he'd grabbed the place where Han Seok had left a bruise the other day, and it was tender to the touch.

"We can't hurt her until after we get what we were told to from her," The one who was stationed by the door with a gun said sharply to the other. With a grumble he let her go.

"Since you were told not to hurt me, do me a favour and get me some water." Solmee smiles.

The three stare at her blankly.

"If you don't grab me some water i'm going to throw up everywhere, and i'll make sure to get it all over you." 

The man stationed by the door tilts his chin to the one who had been rifling through her belongings.

"Get me some chocolate or something too, I haven't ate in hours, need to keep my blood sugar up!" She calls as the man heads to the door. He grumbles something she doesn't hear and ducks past the other guy leaving the warehouse. He disappears for a few minutes and returns with a water bottle with a straw. 

With a rather unimpressed stare he holds the bottle near her face and she takes the straw between her teeth.

The water was cold as if it had just been freshly taken from a supermarket refrigerator. If that was the case, that told Solmee that wherever this warehouse was, a convenience store must be extremely close by. She couldn't narrow much down though. She had no idea how far away from the restaurant she was because she couldn't tell how long she'd been unconscious for.

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