Chapter 23

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Whilst getting ready for the inauguration, Han Seok had summoned his brother. He had returned to his apartment to get prepared; since today was a big day, there would be lots of reporters sniffing around. So, he had left Solmee at the vacation house.

"You've been causing trouble when you know it's my inauguration today?" He looks at Han Seo through the mirror whilst he admires his own appearance.

Han Seo blinks rapidly, lowering his eyes and bowing his head.

"Ah. i'm sorry." He bows his head again. 

Han Seok turns to him.

"Still upset about your fight with Solmee is that it?" He goads, quirking an eyebrow in question.

When Han Seo doesn't take the bait he continues.

"You know we've gotten a lot closer since you two called it quits." He clamps an arm on his little brother's shoulder, squeezing hard. "Really close."

"I should thank you." He grins.

Han Seo fakes a smile and laugh.

"It's good to see the old you again." Han Seok tell him.

"Keep it up."

With a fake smile he gritted his teeth and bared it. "Ah, I think I was born to live recklessly like this,"

"I feel at ease too."

Han Seok pulls a box out of a drawer.


Han Seo lifts the lid.

A watch. He swallows.

"It symbolizes the union of our brotherhood."

No it doesn't. Han Seo thought, he knew what watches meant to his brother, and knew the threat that was written between the lines. 

The watch in the box was identical to the one Han Seok wrapped around his wrist. "Let's never betray each other."

Han Seo stiffened. Did he know? Did he know that the fight with Solmee was faked? Or was he suspecting and trying to confirm it? Or did he know that Han Seo had gone to Vincenzo for help?

"And let's work together to put Babel at the top."

He takes Han Seo's watch out of the box, tosses the box and wraps the accessory around his brother's wrist. Then he turns to the mirror, preening his hair.

"Did I tell you why I let the shooting slide?" 

Han Seo becomes nervous again, stuttering and blinking rapidly, avoiding his brother's gaze. "Ah that really was an accident. How could I do such a thing to you?"

Han Seok, wraps his Han Seo's tie in his hand, yanking hard on his collar with a suffocating grip.

"I need you alive." 

"If you die, who will take the rap for me?"

"If i'm ever on the verge of going to jail after the takeover, you'll take the fall in my place." His voice was a menacing whisper.

"I can't go to jail with a baby on the way can I?"

Han Seo swallows around the lump in his throat.

"Yes. Okay Hyungnim."

His hand moves to his collar where Han Seok's hand was tight like a vice. "I will go to jail for you."

"I can assure you that I will do well in prison. Please don't worry, I will do anything for you."

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