Chapter 28

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He had thought about taking the child, during the chaos. More than thought actually because he was in the middle of actually doing so. 

But then he'd heard frantic shouting from the doctors in Solmee's hospital room. And then Solmee had been transferred to an operating theatre for a haemorrhage, and his thoughts of escaping were filled with thoughts of her. Was it that serious? Was she going to be okay? 

He didn't want to lose her. He couldn't lose her, not for good.

She was his wife, and the mother of his child and he loved her.

So instead of heading for the exit like he had originally planned, he followed the doctors to the theatre, waiting as close as they would allow him. (The waiting room outside of the theatre.) 

He rocked his daughter in his arms as she started crying. Why wouldn't she stop?

Maybe she could sense his worry, or maybe she wanted her mother?

He tries to ease his daughter's cries by kissing her head and telling her that her mother was going to be okay, that she would be with them soon. (He was trying to comfort himself with those words too.)

A passing nurse stops, noticing the distressed child and a frowning, unsure Han Seok. "Ooh I think baby is hungry." She smiles.

"I'll take you to get some formula for her and show you how to feed her when her mom's not around." The nurse says and he's reluctant to leave because of Solmee, but if it would stop his daughters tears then he supposed it was okay to follow the nurse and come back. If anything happened in the meantime Han Seo, who was also outside the operating theatre, who Han Seok had been ignoring up until now could inform him. He'd honestly forgotten that Han Seo was still here.

"Let me know if anything happens to her." He tells his brother.

Han Seo nods.

"Follow me." The nurse says.


Content from her feed, his daughter had fallen asleep in his arms shortly after. Solmee's surgery had gone well, there had been no complications thankfully, and she was now resting.

Han Seok had not put his daughter down once, sitting down in the chair at Solmee's bedside with the baby still in his arms. Han Seo watched from the doorway. His brother had barely talked to him, or anyone else, giving his full attention to the child in his arms. Maybe this baby really would be the thing to make him a better person, Han Seo thought. Maybe it wasn't too late for his brother to change after all. 

"Han Seo come look at your niece." Han Seok instructs. He wanted to show off his adorable little daughter.

He cautiously approaches.

"Who do you think she look like more?"

He hated to admit it, but Han Seok and Solmee had really made a beautiful child. She was the perfect blend of Solmee and his brother's features, and would no doubt grow into their genes too.

"You're just as pretty as your mother." He says to his daughter, attention focused on her again.

"I'll go pick up some things for Solmee from her house." Han Seo says, because it was too uncomfortable being here. It was bittersweet almost, because he was happy his brother could have his own family, his own happiness, redemption but the fact meant that this really was the end for him and Solmee. Although he was sad about it, he realised that it wasn't quite as upsetting as he had thought it would be. He didn't feel heart break anymore, not like that time in the bridal shop.

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