Chapter 29

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Han Seok had never thought he could enjoy a life that was so normal. They had spent days and then weeks in this happy little bubble, just him, Solmee and Mi Suk.

He'd stopped taking Choi Myunghee's calls, even gone so far as to block the number because she had been incessant, calling at all hours of the day trying to get him back to Babel.

Apparently Vincenzo was plotting, but Han Seok found himself not caring anymore, well he didnt care enough to get angry or get involved. The last thing he had said to her was that she had made a big mistake in hiding Solmee's letter, and if she didn't want to have her hands put through a paper shredder then she should hand the letter over to Han Seo when he came to the office.

Choi Myunghee wasn't going to do it herself, far to stubborn to be scolded so she passed it on to Han Seung Hyeok who then passed it on to Han Seo. Han Seo had dutifully returned it to Han Seok.

Solmee had tried to throw the letter away, saying it was too embarrassing.

The fact that she really didn't want him to read it made him want to read the letter even more.

Solmee had chased Han Seo around the house trying to steal it from him, having to stop her chase eventually when Mi Suk started to cry for attention from the play mat.

She picks her up and bounces her on a hip with grumble as Mi Suk stopped her crying at once. "Already taking your dad's side aren't you?"

Han Seok read the letter during the time Solmee was preoccupied with their child.

She had skipped out on telling him all the bad stuff in the letter, like the reminder that he had almost killed her and his child. But he tried not to focus on that, and instead focus on her love confession, she'd told him in her letter that she'd never thought she could love anyone, that she always thought she didn't deserve it or that she was too broken. But, meeting Han Seok and falling pregnant with his child had made her realise that she could love someone, and not just one someone but two, him and her little baby.

She had said that over these past years she had been miserable and bored with life, moving from one thrill to the next until he'd made her realise that all she ever wanted was her own family to love and to be loved back.

She had hoped that was what he wanted too, which was why she was telling him now that she hadn't miscarried and the baby was healthy and growing.

He did, he wanted that too.

He felt Solmee's hand on his arm.

"The letter doesn't matter, we have eachother now." She says softly.

He looks at her and the child in her arms, and puts down the letter to hold them both.

One of the mistakes his father had made was to put his company before his children, before Han Seok's mother, who as a result of that lack of care had died.

Han Seok would not follow in the man's footsteps. He wouldn't give Mi Suk any reason to hate him like he had hated his father.

So, whatever mess was going on with Vincenzo and Babel, Han Seo could take care of it. He'd always asked for more responsibility over Babel anyway.

Han Seok had a wife and daughter to take care of instead. He had his own family now.

He'd just finished making breakfast and called out to Solmee to tell her it was ready, but she did not answer or make any move to go to the kitchen. Heading to the bedroom where she was nursing the baby, he found her laying in bed fast asleep, with Mi Suk who was awake and still attatched to her.

He thought to himself that there was no sight more beautiful than his wife and daughter cuddled up together.

He perches on the bed beside them, stroking Solmee's hair and face, gently trying to ease her out of her slumber.

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