10. The Way The Water Leans Part 1

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Song for chapter: Swinging Party- Lorde

It was 5 am when I snuck out of Zayn's arms slipping through his apartment door and crossing the hall to Harry's.

It was 5:05 when I found him balled up on his soft coach with jeans and a black t-shirt on.

"Hello." His slow voice scared me as I walked over to where he was curled up.

"Do you want to talk a walk?"

"I'd love to." He sat up from where he was wiping his eyes from tears I knew he'd shed.

"Wait- I- It might be cold, could I by any chance-"

"Here." He handed me one of his black pullover's that hung on the hook near his door.

"Thanks." I said as we both walked down the hallway making sure no noise was detected as we descended to the lobby of the building.


We walk down the sidewalk, street light's still lit since the sun has not yet glimmered over the horizon yet. Harry's sweater fits perfectly on me as the sleeves roll over my hands and the hem touches half way past my thigh almost as if it's gulping me up in the most comfortable way, but what I love most was the intoxicating smell. The mix of winter and spring; his sweater something rough and chilling, like mint and ice, and the spring weather mixing in the smell of peddles and fresh cut grass. I wanted to relish in it, live in it.

"Where are we going Harry?" We haven't uttered a word since we began walking just 20 minutes ago.

"Where would you like to go?"

"The lake."

"The lake it is then, Jess." We turn the next corner already smelling the water and grass that's a little ways away.

Harry's much taller than me his height casting a shadow as we walk along the lonesome side walk. "Why did you want to go on this walk?" He still looks towards the ground his eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"I wanted to see if you were okay."

"Well I'm not." The words came out like venom but I didn't feel like arguing with him.

"Is anyone?" whispers spill from my small lips not wanting him to hear it. I look up towards Harry hoping that I can get a glimpse of anything in those garden eyes but instead of looking at me he takes my hand intertwining our fingers.

"You can't do stuff like this Harry."

"I don't care." he says, squeezing my hand even more. I could of easily let go and I dared myself to do so even though I knew I wouldn't.


30 minutes later we sit on the black bench, just like the one in central park, looking over the small lake that surrounds many rich houses. I could probably buy a house like that, today if I really wanted too.

Harry and I's hands haven't separated since our walk towards here and I don't really mind. My shoulder sweeps his as I take his hand holding it up into thin air as I press mine against his almost like we are slowly clapping but I stop once our hands meet.

"They're almost double mine." I whisper as I set his hand in my lap and draw circles into his palm, feeling each line and callas.

"I can read palms. My mother taught me when I was little." Harry says shifting to his side, leaning his shoulder into the bench as he takes my hand instead and does the same. Traces the outline of each finger and line.

"This line means you'll have an eternity of happiness." He whispers as he lifts my hand to his mouth placing a kiss on my palm.

"This one means you'll have a life time of beauty," He kisses my thumb.

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