6. Couldn't Sleep

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Song for this chapter: Deeper - Ella Eyre

"Wake up." a nudge on my shoulders makes my eyes slide open. The living room is still dark and I feel as if I've only been asleep for an hour. Which when checking the clock I see that I have.

"What the hell Harry." He sits on the couch and turns on the bright TV. I sit up fixing my small spaghetti strap tank top to cover my bra.

"I couldn't sleep."

"Then read. Get a glass of water. Not watching fucking Rogers on Demand."

"TV makes me tired."

"Well then I guess I don't have a choice."

"You can go to Zayn's." He doesn't look at me when he says it but I see the smirk on his face. He already knows how to piss me off.

We watch an episode of Survivor and my eyes haven't yet drooped signifying that I am not tired. Guess I'm not sleeping. It's been an hour of us watching TV in pure silence and some how it isn't awkward.

"Why'd you say what you did earlier tonight?" I finally break the defeating silence.

"I say a lot of things."

"Did you mean it?" As I finish my last word he turns to me dropping the converter on cushion behind him. He looks me straight in the eyes an emotion of annoyance on his face.

"Jessie, I might be fucked up, but I am not a liar." He picks back up the converter and puts his thick hair into a bun. As I lie there and he sits watching TV i can see him. The relaxed but stern look on his forehead, the peak of his perfect nose, the groove in his lips, the chisel of his jawline. The aching sensation in the pit of my stomach. Oh shit, no, no Jessie stop. Zayn is nicer, much less complicated, you want Zayn. As I battle with my mind Harry turns his head looking at me looking at him and with that I sit up, captivated in his neon greens eyes the TV is showing them as I give up, "Oh, fuck it."
And as if he knows what I meant I pulled the back of his neck and he meets me half way our lips smashing together. Unlike Zayn this was in no way gentle. Each kiss was harder then the last showering me in a pure gold feeling.

"Take off your shit." He doesn't wait for me to pull it over my head instead he takes the middle and rips down. Leaving the shirt torn into two.

"Harry do what you said you would. Please." The sensation in my core over rides my mind as I rock my hips to meet his a painful moan escaping his part plump lips. I put my legs on either side of him as he sits on the couch. Rocking back in he pulls me close to him holding my back as I press into him.

"You don't deserve all of me yet." He whispers seductively into my ear making me yearn for him inside of me. I wait for him to return to kiss me but instead he starts to lap my chest with kisses making his way up my jaw. He stops there making my heart beat faster in anticipation. After seconds of agony he doesn't return to my lips as I thought, instead he licks his lips and parts them placing them at the beginning of my small jawline. He slowly dragging his moist lips along the side of my face leaving an aching burn in it's wake. I feel his teeth graze my face as he continues to slide his lips along me softly gnawing on earlobe as he goes. In this moment I feel as if my chest explodes. We still haven't moved my heart still beating like mad but I don't want rest I want him. Somehow in the urgency I find his lips and he plays with me; not kissing me yet as he teases me, placing our lips an eighth of an inch apart leaving just enough room to feel the touch. But just not quite.

"Harry please." I beg still rocking on his now defined crotch.

He shakes his head knowing I can't do much about it. A smirk is written on his face as I take one hand and pull the elastic out of his bun letting his hair fall into my hands. Groans cycle out of the parted lips he just teased me with as I yank on his locks and kiss him again. His crotch radiates against mine and I start to unbuckle his buckle.

"N- No." He says panting throughout.

"Please." I'm begging him not yet wanting to leave his lips or body.

"Your the only reason why I couldn't sleep." He slides me off of his lap and stands up walking back to his stupid bedroom. "Good night Jessie."

"Fuck you Harry." My annoyance towards him is thick as he smiles one last time before shaking his head and disappearing yet again. But I guess that's just Harry's thing.

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